Kezzerbird and the Onc!

1 minute read time.

Hellooooooooooo out there in Mac land......Well I have seen my Oncologist today and treatment is planned within the next two weeks. I am honoured because four consultants got together and had a pow wow about little ole moi and have decided that I am to have Etoposide and Cisplatin. I shall have to go and have it one day a week, it takes 10 hours to administer, for 6 weeks and will then just carry on with chemo tabs. After the 3rd lot, I will have a scan to see if it is working, if it is I carry on, if not, well it will be time to re-think. I did ask what bits of me are going to drop off this time and was told my hair and weight again (Oh I can get my bald Kate moss look back again!!!!!) My hair..well that wasn't a problem for me before, so it certainly isn't now, I am not sure where my two bright blue wigs went, I must find them and I have kept my stick thin clothes, so being Cornish and tight, I don't have to pay out for all that again!!!!!! I am happy to say that this time will not be as bad as before because I do not have to have any surgery. this time, it will still be bad, but hey, I can handle that. My veins aren't brilliant but they can put in a PICC line, so that is good. I am still chilled out and ready, I see my wonderful Mac nurse mike on Thursday, so he is back on board and will once again kick my butt for me when I reach that point of utter dispare and he is looking forward to see my tattoo!!!! So my lovely wonderful friends, I may be out of touch for awhile but will blog again when I am able to, so you take care and I am thinking of you, sending love and hugs to those that want them as Carol x

I wonder what my tattoo is going to look like when my butt goes UMMMM!!!

  • FormerMember

    Good luck Carol, take it on the chin like you did before, will be here to welcome you when you return, take care and give the B-------s a hell.

    With Love and Hugs Lucylee. xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Good Luck, you can do this, we are right behind you!

    Loads of strength coming your way,

    love Jenny xx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you guys......I have been living on borrowed time and I am going to borrow some more, I still have my sense of humour and I thought I would be scared, but I am not, I am chilled right out and fine about it all and my family are more chilled to. I know what is to come and I know what I have to do, so all is good. love you lot and thanks Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Wishing you well Carol. I will be thinking of you every step of the way. I hope it will be easier this time round. If ever it can be. All my love to you. Julie xxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    From a selfish point of view I will miss your uplifting blogs but I know you won't be away for long and you will be back on the site with that same humour & courage that carries you, and the rest of us, through. I think I'll nickname you Atlasbird as you sound strong enough to carry the whole world on your shoulders! I'll be thinking of you throughout your treatment and sending cyber positive vibes & hugs in bundles. Lots of love to you & yours Angie xxx