Kezzerbird and the Boat!

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Hi guys.........It's the looney Kezzerbird. I thought I'd write something about my holiday before my 7th chemo kicks in and turns my brain to mush yet again! Kev and I spent two fantastic weeks in a narrowboat called Elvind (we have this same boat every year and have done this for the last 5 years, coz we is sad!) on the Llangollen canel in North Wales. Has soon as we set foot on the boat, the last 7 months of hell dissapeared and we both felt so relaxed, contented and happy, it was a shear joy to be there and together. Because we have no idea of what my future is, this holiday was treated like it could be our last one together and that made it even more special. We cracked open a bottle of champayne going over the Pontcyllte Aquaduct, 127 feet up in the air and the toast was CANCER GO AWAY (not quite the terminology used, use your imagination!). I don't think that in almost 10 years of being together that we have laughted so much and we have become best friends again. There was an amazing sense of peace just sitting there watching the world go by, just peace and quiet,escapism in the extreme, being left alone, no one intruding in your life unless invited, no doctors, nurses, needles and no damn hospitals! I decided to opt out of having cancer, just for 2 weeks and have some control over my life, I refused to be ill and I wasn't, I knew I needed to put weight on and did (I ATE ALL THE PIES IN WALES!) I choose to do some walking, which I haven't been able to do and did and I decided to be me again and was, it was great. I got quiet close to being normal (whatever normal is) just a few things gave it away, like removing my wig and Henry my stoma knocking out golf balls for most of the time! I know I am very lucky to be able to go on holiday and for me it did more good than any other treatment I've had, Kev is booking another week in the spring and our usual fortnight in the autumn and I shall be going, no two ways about that my friends. We left the boat on the sunday to travel home, both not wanting to, knowing that I was back in hospital on Monday for fluids followed by chemo and back to the fight my cancer again, but all good things must come to an end at some point, so we must get on with it. Saw my consultant and he's giving me another 3 chemos even before I have had my CT scan on the 4th Nov. BRING IT ON so I shall be kicking cancers butt yet again, but this time I am stronger, happier and healthier than I've been for awhile. I have my goals and intend to stick to them coz I am the Kezzerbird!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Love and hugs to all,especially Kate, Penny and Steffy and yes Monty is fine X
  • FormerMember

    What a shame you can't get this 'medicine' on the NHS lol.  Sounds like you got just what you both needed, time out and time to enjoy just 'being'. I'm glad you had this time to charge your battereis ready for the fight.

    take care

    pheonix  xxx

  • FormerMember

    Dear Carol

    What a fantastic holiday - just what you needed and deserved.  And what's sad about always having the same boat - sounds sensible to me, when you know you love it!

    Anyway, it must have been absolutely wonderful, particularly switching off the last 7 months and being yourself again.  It's almost miraculous that you were able to do things which you haven't been able to enjoy for ages - like eating pies, or going for a walk.  I'm so glad you've already booked for next year - we all need a goal to fix our eyes upon - mine is going to Egypt in March (and yes I'm very sad too - I'm going on the same boat on Lake Nasser which I do every year - the Boat Manager was one of Kamal's best friends, and all the staff spoil me rotten!).  But it's fabulous to have something to look forward to, when this first lot of treatment will be over (hopefully - the way my blood is playing up at the moment, I'm not sure!!).

    By now you must be back in the swing of things with your first post holiday treatment.  How did your chemo go this time?  I know you've got a particularly nasty one so hope you're not feeling too bad.  However is your oncologist going to fit in 3 sessions before 4 November - that sounds painful.  However, you sound so much better than you have for ages, so here's hoping you take it in your stride.  I do remember that having had to delay the start of my own chemo because of my infection, I was actually fairly strong and healthy when I did eventually start, and I'm sure that carried me through the first three sessions with few problems.  Let's hope your holiday will have set up you for some serious cancer butt-kicking!

    I'm delighted that Monty is doing well - did he miss you?  Any serious sulking on your return?

    Take care of yourself my sweet - and lovely to have you back!

    Much love and hugs, Kate xxxx

  • FormerMember

    There's more to curing this thing than chemo and radio - there is also this great force called Happiness that sends us another lease of energy and vitality.  I empathise totally with what you have written - and bear in mind I've had quite a few "last" holidays now!  It is so sweet standing out in the fresh air somewhere beautiful - water, waves, wind, sunshine (haha, or even rain can be enjoyable if it's warm).  Walking seems so precious, especially after being shackled to a chemo stand or stuck in bed for weeks.  I'm very proud of you because I can imagine the willpower and physical effort it took to get you to the middle of that aquaduct and your champagne toast.  Keep this memory fresh in your mind - that's real life, and what you're going through at the hospital will one day be looked back on as a nasty little blip...  Love, hugs xxxxx Penny

  • FormerMember

    Just to set the record straight for lovely Kate...........My scan is on the 4th nov and I shall be having 3 more chemos regardless of the results, they will be done at 3 week intervals. Are you trying to confuse me Kate! it doesn't take much these days my sweet and Monty has put himself on a diet, so I think he may be sulking a little!..........much love Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Hello Carol and Kev,

    Nice to know you had a good time, and you are still kicking, keep it up girl.

    I had a ct scan and I am stable at the moment, no more chemo for now, have to go back eery 3 months for a checkup.

    I remain positve love Rand (former Lowenite)