I asking for to much or What!!!!!!!!

2 minute read time.

Hellooooooooooooooo all my mates out there in Macland. Yes the next installment of the Kezzerds chemo journey UMPH!

It all started with yours truely getting out of her pit at 5 am, It thought, right take Etopeside (chemo tablet) wait for an hour then have a bowl of rice crispies and several buckets of tea, wash face, clean teeth and get clothes on, black leggings, pink low neck top, cardigan and boots and not forgetting to put my undies on of course. It was rainnig buckets outside and there is moi waring a low top! I have to ware a low top, not that I want to expose myself but my portacath is low down and the nurses have to get at it! Um what hair shall I ware today, curly me thinks, yep. Right the bird was ready to go. Kev 'the wig stand turned up at 7 from doing a 12 hour night shift and asked me if I had a confirmation phone call from the hospital transport, to which I answered no but I had spoken the the cancer nurse on MONDAY to check if chemo was going ahead and that I needed transport, I was told she would deal with that for me for yesterday FRIDAY. I should know better by now. Kev and the dog went up to bed. Now I needed to be at the hospital tp start treatment at 8.20, it was now 7.45 with no sign of transport, so I tried to phone the hospital 15 phone calls later from a very red faced bird with steam coming of her wig finally got hold of someone......we have no record of you needing transport ARGHHHIHHHHHHHHHH! My treatment began at 1.25 and I finally left the hospital at 9pm and got home at 10. OH JOY.  I was hoping against all hope to finally be able to complete one full cycle of chemo, 3 sessions over 3 weeks, I was told to have a rest for 2 weeks then go back and see my Onc, WHY says I, we don't know, came the reply. " You lot don't know very bloody much do you" Opps red mist desending !!!! So this morning there is a grey mist desending here outside but the sun is coming out, so the bird is going to have another bucket of tea, sort all the crazy animals out and spend the day in the garden. I shall be checking to see if the little furry gits have been continueing their munch fest in my green house with my seedling again. So think of me in my garden being sworn at by Kezzer the chicken bird (my African Grey parrot!) all day, bless her. Love and hugs to those who want them Carol the am I asking for to much Kezzerbird XXXXXX

  • FormerMember

    thats it kezz - get mad at the admin staff

    awww ......

    do you reckon they do all this to try take your mind off whats going on? ....just a thought?

    love n hugs xNx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol, what spirit and a brilliant sense of humour you have despite all this crap that you have to endure! I am experiencing similar, I remember a 12 hour day in the middle of winter having a " Chemo. cock up!" not funny. Now between the surgeon telling me one thing and the Oncologist another ( all in bloody Spanish!) However must trust the Medicos here, the admin are useless. Hey Ho, the sense of humour is returning, more CAT Scans and blood tests to come, life will never be simple again. Makes you appreciate the fragility of life and what it is all about as it has touched us in a different way. We can sift out the dross and have pleasure in the people who mean so much to us! Keep writing these wonderful things,

    Lots of Love Pat  xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Oh Carol, what a terrible time they've been giving you. Glad you've not lost your sense of humour tho - where would we all be without it? Sending you love and strength, don't let the get you down. Val X