I asking for to much or What!!!!!!!!

2 minute read time.

Hellooooooooooooooo all my mates out there in Macland. Yes the next installment of the Kezzerds chemo journey UMPH!

It all started with yours truely getting out of her pit at 5 am, It thought, right take Etopeside (chemo tablet) wait for an hour then have a bowl of rice crispies and several buckets of tea, wash face, clean teeth and get clothes on, black leggings, pink low neck top, cardigan and boots and not forgetting to put my undies on of course. It was rainnig buckets outside and there is moi waring a low top! I have to ware a low top, not that I want to expose myself but my portacath is low down and the nurses have to get at it! Um what hair shall I ware today, curly me thinks, yep. Right the bird was ready to go. Kev 'the wig stand turned up at 7 from doing a 12 hour night shift and asked me if I had a confirmation phone call from the hospital transport, to which I answered no but I had spoken the the cancer nurse on MONDAY to check if chemo was going ahead and that I needed transport, I was told she would deal with that for me for yesterday FRIDAY. I should know better by now. Kev and the dog went up to bed. Now I needed to be at the hospital tp start treatment at 8.20, it was now 7.45 with no sign of transport, so I tried to phone the hospital 15 phone calls later from a very red faced bird with steam coming of her wig finally got hold of someone......we have no record of you needing transport ARGHHHIHHHHHHHHHH! My treatment began at 1.25 and I finally left the hospital at 9pm and got home at 10. OH JOY.  I was hoping against all hope to finally be able to complete one full cycle of chemo, 3 sessions over 3 weeks, I was told to have a rest for 2 weeks then go back and see my Onc, WHY says I, we don't know, came the reply. " You lot don't know very bloody much do you" Opps red mist desending !!!! So this morning there is a grey mist desending here outside but the sun is coming out, so the bird is going to have another bucket of tea, sort all the crazy animals out and spend the day in the garden. I shall be checking to see if the little furry gits have been continueing their munch fest in my green house with my seedling again. So think of me in my garden being sworn at by Kezzer the chicken bird (my African Grey parrot!) all day, bless her. Love and hugs to those who want them Carol the am I asking for to much Kezzerbird XXXXXX

  • FormerMember

    Noooo and noooo, I can believe what has happened and no you, we, us never ask to much, we have a LOT to put up with and when you're getting the "i dont know" responses I'm not surprised you feeling the way you do!!!  do they know who they are dealing with :-) However my motto in life especially at the moment is "don't let the B....ards grind you down!!!, so don't. You are an amazing woman, blimey dealing with all you have to including the furry munchers in your garden ha ha !!!!!

    Stay strong, enjoy the sunshine and your garden, thats what I'll be doing this weekend.

    Love and gentle hugs,

    Alex xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi would think after two and a half years of them p*****g me off that they would know not to do it, they will get it dreckly ( Cornish word for sometime, may be, never)!

    Enjoy your garden chic and I hope all is going well with Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Oh Carol, as you say it is bad enough having to have treatment without having to fight to get it. My last chemo was a disaster. My port does not give blood and is excruciatingly painful to use. I was told to have an x ray, so I went along prepared to have it but the needle hurt so much they couldn't proceed. They hadn't given me anasthetic cream as they thhought it hadn't worked the week before as it was so painful but that was as good as it is going to get.. I had it in my arm and went prepared this week -cream and all- and said what time it the x ray. "You're not having it, no one has time to hang around waiting for you, you can't use that port" -flippin cheek. I was cross at that and the nurse then cried and said she didn't know what to do. An interesting variation on the " I don't know" theme. She rebooked the x ray for that day and after pleading with her to check about the contrast they use she found out that I am allergic to it so can't have the x ray anyway. My husband flagged up this allergy problem 3 weeks ago and I have mentioned it several times but I just feel that  they are not listening.none of this needed to have happened. I find it really difficult to go to hos anyway and this does not help. I think this port might have to go.

    Have a good day everybody, the sun is shining.

    Love Jen XX

  • FormerMember

    All of these cock ups seem to happen more down south than Nottingham. True I had a lot of problems but then my name is Wilkie and it goes with the territory. Buckets of tea - what a good idea. If you are at a loose end you can always come and do my garden. It's a disgrace.

    Keep up the good work,

    Keep smiling




  • Seems like you had a day and half, Carol. It is as if employees of the NHS are selectively deaf. When my mother-in-law was in hospital I was constantly asking the staff to look at her when they spoke as her hearing was so poor she depended on lip-reading. I asked them to put it on her notes (BIG letters on the cover). Every time a new shift came on the ward I would  tell all the staff and STILL they mumbled, turned away, or covered their mouths.

    It seems you have to tell them, tell them you've told them... and then tell them again.  Hope you get your hospital transport problem sorted - perhaps you should apply in triplicate? Then perhaps they'll get to it drekly! (I have Cornish relatives.)

    Best wishes,
