I'm having my op part 2

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Hi all..........part two. Thanks for your replies, some made me chuckle! For Penny..........Monty is feeding well at the moment but kev my other half will be there to feed him (for those who don't know, Monty is my phython!) and I am glad you are ok. For Barry and Hazel.........I feel the cold something cronic, so hot flushes sound lovely to me! Jean G.......Big knickers eh! I don't think I will be waring any because my scar is going to be from my rib cage down! The surgeon wants a good look around (he may find some old customers of mine floating about!) That doesn't sound too good does it! I am a female bouncer by the way! I am planning on having a zip tatooed either side of my scar when it heals, I think it will look great and will match my sence of humour !!!! I have just seen my Macmillan nurse and he is going to sort out different meds for my constipation before I explode (Prunes don't work on me) So once again guys thanks for your replies. You all take care................Love Carol
  • FormerMember

    Hi Carol,

    Just wanted to wish you all the best with your op. Hope thay dont find too much in there, they may start talking about you!!!!

    I think the zip idea is first class. I was thinking of having a ladybird tattoo instead of a nipple. After all wot good is a nipple at my age!!

    A python how great is that. I got excited cos i had a slow worm in the garden, now how sad is that. :-)

    Lol and hugs

    Debbie and April xxxx