Home thoughts from The Kezzerbird!

1 minute read time.
Hi all.............Here is an up date for you, it will have some of my famous humour but some serious stuff too! Some of you will know that my new regime of chemo made me very ill, the second one in this batch was a little easier on me thanks to a reduction in 2 out of the 3 chemos required and having a syringe driver pumping anti sickness into me helped a great deal. The problem I had was with tiredness and I stuggled to even get out of bed, let alone do anything else, so the depression came on in full force and the fight I have kept up was slipping away rapidly. I found I had no quality of life at all and was stuck in the house 24/7, mostly alone unable to even stay awake to see anyone. I felt like I was already dead but was still breathing............ and then on Thursday the 25th I went to see my consultant! Because of not knowing even if I have any future I felt like I was hanging off the edge of a cliff by one hand with no safety net below. I told him how I was feeling and asked if he could give me something to help liven me up, my holiday is just over a week away and Kev and I so need this time together and I didn't want to spend it sleeping.........I have been given a low dose of Steriods and guess what guys, I am now a different person, I'm bright, alert and bouncing off the wallsand I feel great, the depression has gone and the fight is back and I have got two hands holding onto that cliff (yipeeeeeeeee!) I have another session of chemo after my hols followed by a CT scan and that will be crunch time for me and if this treatment hasn't worked either I have been told that there is more available to me and that was all I needed............Steriods and a little bit of hope. So the Kezzerbird is back yet again fighting like a mad woman and this cancer can bugger off, I don't want it.........Love and Kezzerbird hugs to all xx ps Monty has finished sheading and yes you can hug a python, but be carefull when he hugs you back!!!!
  • FormerMember

    Firstly - as always it's great to have a new Kezzerblog!  Thank you so much for taking the time to bring us up to date with what's happening.

    What a dreadful time you're having with your new chemo - I'm glad the side effects were better after the second dose, but the fatigue must have been debilitating.  It's always hard enough to work up the energy to do anything after chemo, but the chronic fatigue you're experiencing must be dreadful, both physically and emotionally.  Hey!  We may all complain about steroids and hate taking them, but they really seem to have done the trick for you - I'm SO glad you're feeling so much better and ready to enjoy your holiday with Kev - you really need this time together.  I do hope you have a fabulous time - with some glorious Autumn sunshine.

    I'm sure you're going to have a great scan after your next chemo, but as you say, it's also great news that there is still further treatment available if necessary.  You keep fighting girl - you're an inspiration to all of us trying to cope with this.  

    Lots of love. Kate xxx

    PS:  Thank you for clarifying the hugging a python question - it's been preying on my mind!  I still think I'll ask you to hug Monty on my behalf!

  • FormerMember

    Hello Carol,

    Nice to see you alive and still kicking, keep it up, good things steroids, give you a lift thats for sure.

    Have a wonderful holiday, and let me know if you go back on Lowen and I will visit if thats ok.

    My CT scan is on Tuesday 30 Sep and I shall have my results 20th Oct, and like you my chemo is last chance saloon, but I remain positive,and intend to win the battle for sometime yet.

    Kindest regards Rand xx