For the love of Kaci

1 minute read time.
Yesterday I went to see my daughter and my two grand daughters aged 6 and 3, I am closer to these two because I was there when they were born, which was one of the most amazing sights I have ever wittnessed in my life. Kaci is the eldest girl and took my cancer really badly and at one point even blamed herself. She thought because she had been naughty that she had made me ill and no amount of talking could convince her that it had nothing to do with her. I arrived at their home by taxi and there standing at the window waiting for me was Kaci. When she opened the front door, I saw these big wide eyes with tears in them and a smile that could melt the hardest man on earth. I have always made a point with my grand kids never to turn up with gifts, they don't expect then and that means they are happy to see me and not what I have brought with me. I had to biggest cuddle from Kaci and those wonderful words "Granny I love you so much" Kaci wanted to see how my hair had grown and was so chuuffed when she saw hair sprouting from my head, but I had to tell her that I would be loosing it all again because of my new chemo and her face dropped, but I told her that my hair would grow back again. She asked me questions and I answered them as best as I could, she gave me a card which she had made and some pictures of rainbows to make me get better. When it was time for me to go home, my beautiful sweet loving Kaci broke down, she held on to me so tight and through those big tears all she could say was "I love you so much Granny and I miss you" To me this is real love, you can't put a price on that. I may have cancer, I may die from it, we don't know but what I will say that those words from an innocent loving 6 year old child will make me fight even harder than I think I can and Kaci makes me the richest of people alive.