An update on the mad Kezzerbird!

3 minute read time.
Hello my lovelies..............Well I have had an interesting few days!.Last Friday I contacted our local paper who did a story about me a year ago when I decided to have a charity do to raise money towards our much needed hospice for children, I decided to turn the negative (I've got cancer) into something positive. Anyway, the reporter wanted to do a follow up story at a later date, so a year later we have done it. The main reason for the follow up was because I am suppose to be dead! For those who don't know I am a female bouncer and am in charge of the male bouncers, I haven't worked since I was diagnosed been too busy fighting cancer for that, but when I went to the nightclub where I worked (and will again!) One of the customers nearly had a heart attack when he saw me, he turned very pale and said to me "You're dead", charming. Poor James had been told that I had died. So everyone now knows that I am alive and kicking. The following day a photographer turn up, bless her, little did she know that while she was snapping away, with me posing in a long red skirt, that underneath that skirt, I was completeing the second phase of my stoma irrigation!! I spent sunday out in the garden in the sunshine, my garden hasn't been touched for a year, so I went wild with my prunnung shears and had a field day ( After a year of not being able to even sometimes walk or move because I was so weak, I've gone mad!) My garden looks amazing now. Lovely job! Monday, it was of to the dreaded hospital (YUK) to have my Hickman Line taken out. I had an appointment for 2 o'clock and got seen at 3.50, a trainee doctor was given the pleasure of removing my line, having never done it before, he was quite nervous and it showed, so bless him, he removed the line under supervision of a senior doctor and I never felt a thing. It feels very strange not having the line, I got used to having it sticking out of my chest, I am starting to look "normal" again, instead of looking like an extra in the Dr Who series WEIRD and after being bald as a badgers arse for a year, I have thick brown hair growing on my head! Tuesday, I fould out that my daughter is having another girl, she was a bit upset because this will be her last baby and she has 2 girls already, she wanted a boy, I just told her that if the baby is ok, nothing else matters, so I shall be at the birth of Lyra May in August and that will be grandbaby number 7, I can't wait, I love these little people, they crack me up on a regular basis. Tuesday night I was out on a girlie night, several glasses of malibu and coke and loads of laughter with some of the best people I know, who have supported me thoughout this bloody cancer..............and next wednesday, my beloved motorbike gets MOT'd (Yamaha XJR 1300) and this old bat will be back on the road and happy as a pig in ****! One last thing..............if you have a stoma, and you haven't done so yet, try irrigation, it gives you some control of your body and I feel so much better for it, it isn't for everyone, but if you are interested contact your stoma nurse, they clear it with your consultant, it takes all told about 45 minutes out of your day. If anyone wants to know more about it, feel free to send me a PM. I knew nothing about it until my stoma nurse mentioned it......................Love and hugs to those who want them...........Carol the nutty Kezzerbird x
  • FormerMember

    Loved reading your blog today. Made me laugh and smile.

    You have been really busy by the sound of things! Congrats on the news about the new granddaughter. I have one so far who I adore!

    I bet you will enjoy your first bike outing. How long is it since you last rode out?

    Your story is such an inspiration, keep well and take care

    Peta x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Peta...........I haven't ridden my motorbike for a good 16 months and I have missed it sooooooooooo much! I have been a biker chic since I was 12, I am still a biker but am now a biker boiling foul!!!!! Ahhh I'm still only a meer baby at 49, bikers don't grow old, our leathers just get tighter!

  • FormerMember

    Nice to see you well back on the road (literally) Take care on your bike - I gave them up about twenty years ago after I appeared to be invisible in spite of hi viz stuff and headlights on but I wouldn't mind something a bit classic when I grow up. We had four lads - tried for a girl but it never happened. They are all little bleeders and are much worse when they grow up anyway. My granddaughter is amazing at six. Great sense of humour which gets her in a lot of trouble at school. I wonder where she gets that from?

    Keep smiling




  • FormerMember

    Hey hun,

    I bet it feels wonderful to have this renewed energy.  For gawds sake be careful on that bike - they terrify me (yet I'll get on huge horses!!)  You will sure blow some cobwebs away when you get out on the road again, like when I haven't ridden for ages.

    Do keep us posted on how the MOT goes and what you're up to :)  And of course the new hair style!

    Loadsa luv

    Simone xxx

  • FormerMember

    How wonderful to start feeling the tethers of cancer sliding off...each step towards a more normal and 'back to usual' way of life.  And HAIR...and TASTE (hope that is back a bit)...and FREEDOM OF MOVEMENT!!!  Etc, etc!!!!!  A sigh of go girl and live that life!!!!  And congrats on the grandbaby girl!