Feeling scared about, well, everything!

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hi everyone feeling a mixture of emotions just now . my mum is about to have her third chemo session which means she has completed one cycle of abvd for hodgekins. it was found in her chest only. however i am starting to let my mind wander thinking terrible things like what if it is in her bone marrow etc or rain, it sounds terrible but i keep imagining the worst things. she had a boine marrow test before starting her first session and they said it was unlikely she had it in her bones. they never said anything about her test after that so we assume it was clear. now shes got a letter in to have an appointment with her doctor/surgeon and part of me has started to worry there is something wrong, although she is due radiotherapy and hasnt heard anything about this yet, and its supposed to be once a month, i assume that this appointment is merely to talk about that or to do a chest scan to see how shes doing. anybody any ideas? sorry to moan on at this late hour! xxxx