when will i feel better? does is get any better? please help?

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i have not written a blog before i am feelin very low and fed up. i just want me lovely dad back - i miss him every day, there is not a moment that goes by when i dont think about him.

it has been 16weeks today since the time came when he shut his eyes and went to sleep, i remember it like it was yesterday, i was sat with him holding his hand.

i know people tell me he is better off where he is now and he is not in any pain but i am, my heart is aching, i am feeling very alone even though i have my lovely family around me. every single friday and saturday i feel lost and alone these are the worst days of the weeks which go by.

i wish i could just see hm again, i just wanna know he is alright, :(

can anyone help me?

i just want to know if this gets any "better"???


  • FormerMember

    Hi Kelhat,

    You are so right about your Dad being at Peace an no

    Pain.  But people do forget the family thats left behind. The pain you are suffering will take time to ease. You will always have your Dad close at hand with the beautiful memories you had as a child and growing up.  The good times you had together they will never leave you.

    Look after yourself, and if you want to talk,  you know we are here to listen

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Sarsfield.x May your Dad R.I.P..

  • FormerMember

    Dear Kelhat

    I am so sorry to hear about the loss of your precious dad. I can totally understand your emotions; it is so hard to carry on without the person that you love.  as Sarsfield says, the good times will always be in your heart, as will the love that you both shared.

    It is 8 years since I lost my dear dad, and 2 years since my husband died.  does it get easier? I'm not sure if that's the right way to put it -  we get more used to our new 'normal' life, and the terrible pain of loss does ease, I promise you.  I can't tell you when that will happen, because it is different for everyone. I understand totally when you say how alone you feel - you can be in a room full of people, and still feel that way. Do you have close family to confide in? I suspect that they feel just the same; not everyone is as brave as you when it comes to admitting their true feelings.

    Just take one day, one hour, one minute at a time, and remember, we are all here for you.

    "you dont have to see the whole staircase, just take the first step"

    Sue xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi kelhat

    It's early days and you might not think it will get better but it will, I promise.  It takes time.  I have lost loved ones and I always find the first year is the worst.  I think it's all the anniversaries and festivals that you are celebrating for the first time without the one you've lost - birthdays, father's day, christmas, etc, etc.  

    I found that I wanted to tell that person little things I'd seen and experienced and then remembered with a jolt that they weren't 'there' any more.  But they are 'there', in your heart, just a whisper away. So tell your dad what you've seen and heard and he will hear you and be glad that you're carrying on bravely in his memory.

    As Sarsfield and susan have said, we are all here for you and a lot of us know exactly what you are going through.

    Here's a poem that may give you comfort:

    Come, dry your tears, smile again, love,

    I'm only a whisper away,

    Near in the dusk of the evening,

    Just out of sight through the day.

    Watching you waking and sleeping,

    Hearing each prayer that you pray,

    Sending my love to surround you,

    I'm only a whisper away.

    Come, dry your tears, smile again, love,

    Remember the good times we've known,

    Cherish the joy we discovered -

    Love that was planted and grown.

    Your road may seem lonely ahead,

    And distant horizons look grey,

    You won't be walking alone, dear,

    I'm only a whisper away.

    Lots of love and *hugs*, Madge x x x x

  • FormerMember

    kel my lovely he is at peace now and no more pain im sure of that, im sure it gets easier at some point just take one day at a time, he'l always be in your heart and remember all the good memorys.madge the poem was lovely,im always here for you hun love you lots huggles xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    it does get 'better' perhaps better is the wrong word.. more accepting?

    My dad is gone 4 years and in some ways it feels like an eternity in other ways its like last week..

    The first year is the hardest I think.. But I still think of him every day.. Still miss him but he comes to me in my dreams and this may sound silly but since I was diagnosed some very odd things have happened.. (nice things that no one can explain) I belive its his way of telling me he's still around.. Sometimes I can smell him..

    Remember the happy times. Remember hes not suffering any more.. as others say once step at a time.

    Take care of you