Fruit Scones

3 minute read time.

Do you want a fruit scone? Do you want a fruit scone I ask my husband mid Saturday afternoon, how normal is that? Well its so normal it abnormal right now and once againg it triggers that pain in my core and the faster heart beat and makes the voice in my head sceam, do you want a bloody fruit scone, my son has cancer, my son has cancer, an everyday state for my body for the last 3 months  but still not accepted or normal, still shocking everytime I wake up. Its not the not sleeping thats a problem, its the waking up that shatters your heart in to a million peices.

So we have a cup of tea and a fruit bloody scone - where did I buy them? I have baked since I was 5 years old (with my Grandma, mother can't won't cook) I bake not buy but everything changed on April 1st 2011 and we need normality, don't we?

The normality is absurd, what to wear, what to eat, work tasks, petrol in the car, meaningless conversatations, the bloody weather!! Yes I must be at the rant stage, I hear everyday my own voice with those very special people that care and support me ranting about, well you would think the unfairness but no I just rant about everything. When I am measured and in control and having a 'normal' discussion the voice in my head head is still screaming, my son has cancer my son has cancer. Not sure if appropriate to swear on this blogging thing but its also screaming manicaly lots of expletieves I didn't know I knew (thats a lie),  yes I think I have heartbreak inducuded schizophrenia, I bet I could make a fortune in the states with that condition. .

So enough already of the fruit bloody scones I think blogging is supposed to be about me telling you about my day?? I have no idea really and have been/am very dismissive of social networking sites (bloody el what a mouthful) I am one of those very balanced opinionated individuals who says things like 'facebook will kill social skills as we know them (going to the pub and talking s..t) but of course it must be a savoir for 'certain groups of people','  what a patronising b...h I am but still believe that and have just become part of a special group of people! still not going to say lol though! I rest my case case my Mother who is 71 has been away for for the weekend (how dare she my head rants when my son has yes you have heard it already seveal times) texted me yes bloody texted me to say she is back and hope everything is alright I am temtped with the lol!

So today, as for the last 21 days we went to the radiotherapy unit for Michael to have his treatment and as usual he entertained me with stories of his recent past life as a response cop and the stories as always are true and scary (for Ma), sad and v v funny and as always we plan our lottery winnings and he downloads pictures of famous people on his iphone. The photos are of actors who resemble his new bezzies and homies as he calls the old men that surround him. He is 28 and his new baby is due in 6 weeks, his son Cole, my saviour, who is 3 is at home with Mammy knowing Daddy and Marmar have gone to see Doctor Buzz again today.

If anyone out there is listening I thank you and promise to buy a dictionary for me spelling

Don't go, stick around and laugh a while. Love ya Ma x











  • FormerMember

    Ma your blog made me laugh and cry at the same time! I could identify with the screaming voices for sure and the mundane daily taks and converstions that we still have to partake in. I am two people now I am the normal Jules, (if i ever was) for the family for my firends for anybody i meet and then for me i am the jules that has cancer and i cry often when i am alone. So yay................ schizophrenia bring it on!!!!

    I really hope that michael will be free of his monster soon and that he gets the treatment he needs to recover. Make sure you take care also he needs your strength support and what a sense of humor!

    Im in the medical mansion tomorrow for the slice and dice gulp..................thats another story!

    Al the best ma and keep blogging it is both my savior and therapy (yes i need therapy espcially for the personality disorder!) Yea pass us a fruit scone please

    Jules xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi ma

    Like Jules, I laughed and cried at your blog.  What a wonderful outpouring of feelings which are so like mine.  Nobody who has had cancer or is a carer or relative is ever 'normal' again, whatever 'normal' is.  I'm not sure I know any more.

    My whole world has become dominated by this dreadful disease and, like you, I resent seeing people carrying on with their so-called normal lives.

    You rant away and swear as much as you like if it relieves the pressure.  Nobody on here will object because they're saying the same things inside their heads. I've even started talking to myself recently so perhaps I'm a schizophrenic too.  

    My heart goes out to you and your son and, yes, this site is unique and wonderful.  It's been a lifeline for me and I really would have gone mad without it.

    Lots of love and *hugs*, Madge x x x x x x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ma,Like Madge i to am a carer for my husband 6 yrs now and i cant add any more to Madges comments she has took the words out of my mouth,i wish you and your wonderful son all the strengh in the world to fight and win this battle.Keep posting we are all here to support each other ,take care,Hugs Chris.xx