second dose of chemo ..not doing to good

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martin went back for his second lot of chemo this week .... he isnt doing to good atall alot of pain and sickness he was told he has a bit of arthritis in his shoulders and arms of which we did not think he had but they said it was due to the op and that his right side hasnt been used as much as it used to be he was afraid to use it because of pain.. i suppose it would be possible because of his operation its just another problem after another as if lung cancer and brain tumour isnt enough ....when is it going to stop :(:(:(
  • FormerMember

    My Dad is going through the same thing.  All I can do is keep making him his current favorite foods, remind him that he felt this bad before and then felt better, and be kind and normal.  For him, I think the normal is what he needs the most right now. The best to you both.