a little help

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my name is catherine my husband has had his left lung removed due to lung cancer ....we r finding it quiet difficult comin to terms with it as they said the tumour was alot bigger than they thought T3 N1 and some of his glands were infected he is due back to oncoligist on the 9th june ..he needs chemo but is frightened he wont be able for it as he has been so sick lately and just wants it to stop now and wants to feel better i know this is not goin to be easy but i really feel for him as he had a pitutry tumor three years ago had it removed but has been so ill ...was just gettin a bit better when we got this news and i dont know how much more he can take
  • FormerMember


    Im really sorry to read about your husband.

    Its such a difficult thing to get your head around. Just when you think your doing better and it hits you like a formula one car!

    My dad has Mesothelioma, asbestos related lung cancer, and we though chemo was helping to keep it at bay as theres no cure.

    Unfortunatley last Tuesday he was told by his consultant that the chemo hasnt worked and if the next treatment does'nt help we dont know where to turn.

    My dad seemed to be getting his head round his diagnosis and it was brilliant to have my old dad back. This news is such a set back, he's reacted even worse to his intial diagnosis. I feel so helpless and I too don't know how much he can take.

    Your not alone and you never have to be. The people on here are fantastic and really supportive.

    Just be there for your hubby as much as you can.

    Your in my thoughts,

    Stacey xxx