Winter Wedding

1 minute read time.
This time last year I was awaiting surgery on 8th January for breast cancer. 2008 was a horrible, horrible, year and in some ways I am glad to see the back of it and the grief that came during that year. Not only was I ill (two lots of surgery then radiotherapy) but my mother-in-law contracted C-difficile and died in March. However on the 27th of December there was an occasion of Joy and Hope - the wedding of my youngest daughter to a lovely man. It was an extraordinary wedding in that both bride and groom have the same (unusual) surname and they were both born on the same day only hours apart. They had been childhood sweethearts for two years but then our family moved away from the area and they lost touch. They found one another again through Friends Reunited and the rest, as they say, is history. It was, I think, the coldest day of the year - a wind chill factor of -30 degrees I'm sure! I wore a suit which cost about five times my normal annual clothes budget but was not made for warmth. Everything went smoothly: wonderful meal, great music, party in the evening... even the bill (picked up by Dad of course) wasn't too eye-watering. But it was most extraordinary having a room full of people all with the same surname! Thank goodness and the medical profession I was well enough to enjoy it!
  • FormerMember

    Hi Kate and thank you so much for sharing such a wonderful day here. What an amazing story to tell future grandchildren...ahh isn't love grand?!!  I'm sure you looked a dream in your outfit, I'm so looking forward to being 'mother of the bride' twice but my youngest has told me that if/when she ever gets married hats will be banned boo hoo!

    Take care

    pheonix  xxx

  • FormerMember

    I'm so glad the wedding went well.  I hope you got back into the warm pretty soon.  What a wonderful send off!  I'm sure it made all the difference in the world for her to have you there looking so wonderful.  

    Pheonix.  You can forget the hat.  Just wear the fruit!



  • FormerMember

    What a wonderful way to end a year.  Now's the time to look forward, and to be the best M~i~L ever!  *lol*  So, do we get to see a picture of your outfit?  *chuckle*