Rottweiler under the duvet

1 minute read time.
I am a lark - rising at 6 o'clock so I'm normally off to bed at around 10 or 10.30pm. I take some heavy duty painkillers to help with joint pain and they have the 'bonus' effect of knocking me out as soon as my head hits the pillow. Oh... how I long for the luxury of an uninterrupted night of sleep but there I am, all snuggled up warm and cosy and well off into the Land of Nod when the 'Rottweiler' strikes. Generally, it strikes at about 2am, clamps its substantial jaw around my calf and before I know it, I have leapt out of bed, tangled my foot in the duvet, crashed my head into the wardrobe door and I'm hopping about rubbing my leg for England. The pain doesn't last that long but THE B*GGER has woken me up! I try to get back to sleep and toss and turn for a while but then give up, turn on the telly (headphones on so as not to disturb beloved who is zzzzing away down the corridor). I channel hop and then settle down to watch a recording of the American sit-com Frasier. (It is one of our favourite programmes, we have seen them all a dozen times and can quote large chunks of the scripts to one another... how sad is that?) I gradually begin to feel sleepy again, turn the telly off and snuggle down to sleep. Sometimes I can sleep through until 6am, but the 'Rottweiler' often sneaks in for another bite of the other leg at around 4am. More cursing, hopping and rubbing and mental questioning of exactly WHY I am putting up with yet another (rarely-mentioned) side-effect of Tamoxifen - cramps. I know why really and I know I should be grateful that the drug is (hopefully) keeping the cancer in check but at 2am when 'The Rottweiler' strikes it's a very different story! P.S. Apologies to all owners of Rottweiler dogs - I know they can be lovely sloppy dogs but forgive me for using them in a purely analogous way to best describe how it feels.
  • FormerMember

    Can totally sympathise Kate.

    Many years ago in my mis-spent youth, I too used to sleep on snooker tables with the same results.  LOL.

    Horse oil linament !!!

    Love to Bonnie & Clyde.

    Cheers,  Mike

  • Hi Kate

    Funny how it is around 2 ish when it strikes and I have never had cramp like it, for me its in the foot and calf, but unlike you I just jump up and stay in bed and arrrrrrgh.

    You know what we athletes have to say "no pain no gain" so chant that mantra LOL



  • FormerMember

    It is an awful affliction to have and I know as I get it in my feet. But I just had a vision of you leaping around the bedroom in the dark hours and it made me laugh.


  • FormerMember

    It is an awful affliction to have and I know as I get it in my feet. But I just had a vision of you leaping around the bedroom in the dark hours and it made me laugh.


  • I don't mind anyone having a laugh at my antics - I have included 'Humour' on the tag line of the blog because I do realise the absurdity of my 2am leaping about activities. What is life without laughter?
