"The Twiglet Zone"

1 minute read time.
I have been away for a week and when I returned the site had changed! Some, much wittier person than I, had previously remarked when the chat room changed that they had found themselves in the "Twiglet Zone". So... I shamelessly 'borrowed' this fabulous tag. It is amazing how much one can miss in a week out of the "What Now?" loop. I have been catching up on various forums and blogs and come across yet another 'Impostor' problem. Being an 'Ace Detective' I think I can guess who is the suspect with the name beginning with 'C' and ending with 'Y'. For goodness sake - "I am going to be spending 22 months in Charing Cross Hospital"... Dooh! I have reported a few questionable 'members' to Thomas and have always had a positive response. Personally, I do not wish to use the chat room and would rather participate in forums or comment on blogs. This site is wonderful. I feel I can say things here that I can not talk about with family or friends. On a lighter note - I have something to celebrate! And here is another set of weird and wonderful facts and figures worthy of the "Twiglet Zone" - my daughter is to marry and man born on the same day, only hours apart, with the same surname. They were childhood sweethearts who were separated for twenty-five years but met again a year ago and will marry on 27th December. I am so happy... but I'm not good in a hat!
  • FormerMember

    Yes, welcome back. Like you, I'd been away for a wee while and returned to the face and body titillation (is that spelt correctly?) whatever, but as the basics hadn't changed, I wasn't lost for too long. I do wish you all good things for your long visit to Charing X Hosp. Who's the wee puppy in your "pic" - adorable! Impostors? I keep hearing about them and it really puzzles the life out of me why anyone would go around "pretending" to have cancer! If they fancy a bit of reality time, they're welcome to my cancer - anytime! I don't go into the chat room, mainly because I find it a bit hard keeping up the pace of the chatter. The story of your daughter and her future husband (congratualtions all round) is Twigletty Zonish alright,  or just a weird and wonderful thing! Bet you'll look great in whatever you decide to put on your wee head, with love                kate    xxxxxxxxxxxxx  

  • FormerMember

    Yes, I like the Twiglet Zone too.  Welcome back, you are like another breath of fresh air.  Or perhaps a balmy breeze!  We can use lots of those.  

    We get into terrible trouble for not being nice to people you know.  Even when they have very strange ideas of what cancer treatment is like.  If they have signed away their rights and their parents are so far away that they can't even phone and ask how they are.  Oh dear.  Such a person deserves our sympathy.  

    I'm so glad about your daughter.  I  hope she will be very happy.  At lest they will have fun catching up on the last 25 years.   How do you know you are not good in a hat.?  There are about 25 basic types of hat, and there must be one for you to wear in the church.  Then you can take it off and be yourself once more.  My tutor told me you could identify every kind of civilisation in history and what period it was, just by looking at the hats they wore.  

    Think positively.  Expect a disaster!

