Mammogram - ouch... ouch... ouch!

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Three years since my surgery for breast cancer and my third post-surgery mammogram... and it doesn't get any better - it still bloody well hurts! At least this time the radiographer was nice, in that whilst she was mangling my (already mangled) boob in the 'vice' she did it slowly - the clamp was lowered slowly rather than 'biting' like a Rottweiler!  As my cancer was originally found by a routine mammogram I know the value of regular screening so I know I shouldn't complain - I know I should be grateful, but I DO wish they found a less painful method of screening.


  • FormerMember

    Hear! Hear! Kate. My breast is still very tender at the site of surgery and I find it extremely uncomfortable (understatement!), but know it's a necessary evil.

    I'm to have my final mammogram this year. The next one will be when I'm fifty. I'll be called for the standard screening apparently. I'm 45 just now. I was a bit daunted by this, but contacted breast cancer care who advised me that this is standard procedure.

    I hope your results are good.

    Best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kate

    I had my first mammogram, after surgery and treatment, on Monday and can sympathise with you. The radiographer was lovely but I never remembered last years hurting so much or the very uncomfortable feeling of my boob being 'handled' perhaps I blocked it out! Oh well at least it's done with for 12 months.

    Love Max

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kate

    Tell me about it!  A year after my surgery, I am still very tender from radiotherapy.  Did that stop the radiographer?  Of course not!  Both breasts were squeezed and squashed and pressed and turn this way and that way, trapped between these two plates.  At least, as Max said, over and done with for 12 months.

    Wishing you all the very best


  • FormerMember

    Hi Kate,

    All I can say is thank heavens Im a man.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Well done Kate for getting through another torture session with dignity.

    I hope there's nothing to write about when the results come in :)

    Love & strength,  Debs xx