Bananas - 1 Rottweilers - 0

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WinkLast year I wrote a blog post entitled 'Rottweiler under the Duvet' where I described having severe night cramps. Well... I accidentally found the cure - Bananas!  One of my medications dictates it has to be taken early in the morning with food and as I don't much feel like munching breakfast at 6am I have been eating a banana. It took me a while to join the dots but I suddenly realised - wow, no night cramps.

And the moral of this story is... 'A Banana a day keeps the Rottweiler away!' 

  • FormerMember

    Nothing wrong with Rottweilers,Kate, i have two, when they lie on my bed, they keep my legs, nice and warm.Joking aside, i'm pleased you found your cure, if only everything was that simple xxx

  • FormerMember

    How fab!  Tell your oncol to spread the word...wonder what it is about the bananas?  They're supposed to be potassium-loaded, but otherwise who knows...

    I SENT YOU AN EMAIL TO YOUR PRIVATE ADDRESS!!!  Hope you got it; would like to see you this month.

    Catriona xxx

  • FormerMember

    That's great Kate, certainly worth a try for anyone suffering from cramps.  I get a lot of night cramps and found that drinking tonic water did help, but shall try the banana cure for a change.

    Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Kate,

    Easy on the bananas.  Mike had a few the day before his bloods a while back and they couldn't do his regular chemo due to the high potassium levels.

    Say hello to B & C for us.