Bananas - 1 Rottweilers - 0

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WinkLast year I wrote a blog post entitled 'Rottweiler under the Duvet' where I described having severe night cramps. Well... I accidentally found the cure - Bananas!  One of my medications dictates it has to be taken early in the morning with food and as I don't much feel like munching breakfast at 6am I have been eating a banana. It took me a while to join the dots but I suddenly realised - wow, no night cramps.

And the moral of this story is... 'A Banana a day keeps the Rottweiler away!' 

  • FormerMember

    hey kate today uve discovered cure for cramps

    tomorrow cure for cancer?

    well you never know!

    take care hun


  • FormerMember

    lol!  Great blog...........and keep us posted about the other cure as N suggests!

  • Pleased it worked for you, I have one everyday and replied to your first blog at the time as I new what you meant and it never not stop mine.

    But 4 months post chemo and no more cramps YES !

  • FormerMember

     Blimey I got worried for a minute when I started reading your blog, very relieved after reading it, keep stuffing those bananas Carol x

  • FormerMember

    just be careful where you leave the skins!!!!

    Glad you found something that works, now could you work on why I have only slept through the night about 3 times since surgery in Jan 09....and those were through sheer exhaustion I think!!!!!

    I seem to wake every 1.5 to 2 hours and then take ages to go back to sleep.  Needless to say, I toss and turn and disturb the poor hubby :S

    The banana's are good for potassium too!

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx