Two weeks on ...

1 minute read time.

Thank you so much for all your replies to and kind comments on my last blog.  You’ve all helped me so much.  Two weeks on, I’m starting to come to terms with what’s happened.  The pain is increasing rapidly but I now have Zomorph twice a day, and Oramorph to top up as needed, so things are under control.  Just wish the drugs didn’t make me so sleepy – I have too much to do to spend my days nodding off!  And I’m getting quite a dab hand at injecting myself in the tummy – though I’m better at one side than the other, and have the bruises to prove it!  My new course of chemo has been brought forward to Thursday and I must admit I’m very ready to get started.  I think once you know things are on the move, you don’t want to hang around, and so the sooner I start, the sooner I shall get through it.

The big disappointment has been having to cancel our holiday in Egypt.  We realised that there is no way the airline would have let me fly with clots in my lung – it would just have been too dangerous.  If it had just been the cancer, I would probably have risked the holiday, but any drop in cabin pressure could have caused me serious problems so it’s just not worth it.  And the week we were on Lake Nasser we would have been out of telephone contact and certainly nowhere near any medical help.  I felt nervous enough just in Bath and realised that I really don’t want to be too far from my mother ship at the moment. 

Once again, thank you so much for your love and support – it really is appreciated!
Hugs, Kate xxx
