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It’s silly o clock Sunday morning… 2 weeks ago this insane ride began.  On the 9th I had CT by the Wednesday I had appointment with the consultant.  I was already at the hospital for a GYN appointment that day.  Lung cancer… unable to confirm by biopsy because it’s too close to my heart and lung could collapse.  I had PET scan and breathing test and went back for appointment to discuss results on Thursday just gone.  It’s cancer and they want to operate.  Appointment for this coming Thursday to do bike and make sure I can handle surgery.  Monday 31st see surgeon.  Friday afternoon GYN rang me.  Pre cancerous cells for the 3rd time.  Needs to do a LEETZ… it has to wait until after lung surgery.    I have fibromyalgia so in pain 24/7 anyway.  Sleep has always been a problem, now it’s even worse.  I think I’ve had a total of 10-12 hours all week.  So frustrating because I’m soooo tired.  Even with sleeping pills and painkillers I still sleep a hour, 2 tops then wide awake again.  Which just makes my fibromyalgia worse
