1 minute read time.

Good morning,

it’s silly o clock as usual.  I’ve been living on 2-3 hours sleep.  I used to be able to sleep 2 hours wake for a bit then get another 2-3 hours.  The last two weeks, there is no repeat sleep.

I did the CPEX yesterday afternoon.  The pain today is ridiculous!  Fibromyalgia is in full flare up and I desperately wanted to pass that test.  I have arthritis in hips and hands. Diabetes, insulin dependent,Gout, PTSD, A-fib, depression, anxiety, back issues. Insomnia, IBS, cervical stenosis, spastic bladder, cysts on my ribs and a groin hernia…. OF COURSE LUNG CANCER!  Yippee… I call it ALPHABET SOUP…

I am angry, tired and in LOTS of pain.  I had a reaction to the increase in my blood pressure medication.  Received a letter from Dr Farmer in respiratory.  She told me that while they can’t biopsy my cancer due to location.  It looks like, acts like, grows like cancer so it’s cancer.  The letter states it may be benign once removed.  THIS MAKES ME FEEL LIKE A CRAZY FRAUD.

I am seriously fed up of illnesses.  My GP told me bloods are off again and needs to be repeated as may need more medication.   It just never ends. I will probably ring for support today or it’s going to be a LONG weekend.   I see the surgeon on Monday!

Hopefully, they can do the surgery and remove the cancer/THINGY!  Asap and then I can deal with squamous cervical cells for the 3rd time.

CRAZY RIDE THIS IS TURNING IN TO… I’m strong but holy cow… not sure I’m strong enough if surgery isn’t a option.
