Just when you think you are getting somewhere.....

2 minute read time.

The perils of getting too smug, of thinking maybe you're getting somewhere, maybe moving forwards......

Just when I was thinking, Hey, I've achieved a fair bit and maybe there is a reason to plod on..... just when I think I can do this living on my own bit, and I'm going to give things a go, and I'm pretty amazing........ And look at all the stuff I've done so far (though I wonder how), and it really is different from a few months ago etc etc.....

So, today, a lunch with some very old friends who've been great, fantastic support etc and we are all siting round the table and the conversation is flowing, and the food is good. Bam, wham. Out of the blue, I realise they are all talking stuff and feeling confident because they are couples. 6 lovely people, 3 lovely couples. And they would never cause me hurt knowingly, would never wish to make me feel bad, but hell, they are 3 couples. And I am an amputee. And my D, who would once have made his presence felt with his silly jokes, his crazy laugh, his cheery face......... well, he wasn't there. The person who made me feel good about myself, gave me confidence and would smile across the table at me and I would feel loved and beautiful and all those things .......   well, he ain't there. And it sucks. And I felt it.

I do think I've been amazing, am surprised at what I can do, juggling everything - the finances, the tax, the house, the getting to grips with practical stuff in my own way, the joining a choir, the going back to music, the getting out there and blooming well doing stuff. But I am floored. Feel like a small bereft child, lost in the big jungle, can't do this. Hate couples, however lovely they are. Because y best mate ain't here anymore. And how can you tell people who don't know what it is like? Do these good friends also imagine I should have moved on......? Surely not?

And I can rationalise it, tell myself it's because I'm exhausted, dog tired, got used to company and now I'm back to me and the dog again, tomorrow is another day. I can do it. I will do it.

But it sucks. It stinks. I hate it. I don't want it. It's tough. And I could kick myself for being a real whinging pom, and give myself a pep talk. Whoever said life was fair? Pull yourself together and get on with it you self-indulgent silly woman etc etc

But hell, I miss my D. I miss him and it's sooooooo hard being Mrs Warrior at times. And if I let myself, I could howl and sob and wash the kitchen floor with tears. 

But I can't and I won't and I mustn't. That's not the way. Not sure what the way is, yet, but I have to grab hold of those bootstraps and heave. 

Just a whine - that's all this was. think I'll go and lick my wounds, bandage them up, and write a bit in the journal and tomorrow will be another day.............

Life -eh. The biggest mystery there is. But hey, I'm dealing with it. Or trying to. (Even though I miss my man.)

Little Jen XXX

  • FormerMember

    Hi there little warrior!

    Of course you're doing great and you have every reason to feel proud of what you have achieved.

    It is still early days for you. I remember well this couples thing and how in the first months after my wife died I felt intensely jealous of couples walking down the street hand in hand, I missed the hugs and talking things through before we did anything.

    I'm glad to hear that you've taken up music again; my wife and I enjoyed music a lot and that was something which I carried on with. It helped me make new friends and gradually come to terms with my new status.

    So I'm sending the biggest of hugs for you and remember we arre always here for you whether you want to just let of steam or have a whine.

    Colin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Colin

    Thanks for your comment. Good to hear from you. Howya doin'?

    Yes, music is a godsend for me.  I have to concentrate hard and can't think whilst I'm playing or singing (too busy trying to count and read the notes!!!!) And it gives me an excuse to get out, meet people in a sort of way, and go to concerts which I enjoy and even workshops to try and improve. This isn't something I did when D was around, so I guess it's a new discovery of something that used to be important to me years ago. And it keeps me busy...........

    Thanks for the hug. I needed it. If I'm honest, I'm jealous of couples. There is that easy banter, that comfortable knowledge that there's someone else to share the decisions, the practical tasks, the worries. And to just lean on in so many ways. The reaching out and holding a hand, the awareness of another presence in bed and so on......  Oooh. It's tough. How can they know the sheer bally awfulness of being amputated, sliced in half, sawn down the middle with a blunt chainsaw, having your heart ripped from your chest, hastily pushed back and the wound sewn over very shakily. How can they possibly know?

    So here we are, the walking wounded, wandering around, making the best of a dreadful job. And this grief is so cunning and tricksy and snidey and devious, it allows you to lull yourself into a false sense of feeling ok, and then wham right round the corner it comes hurtling straight at you again..........

    Still, I should know about doing stuff on my own. If you've never had brothers or sisters you learn to get on with things from an early age. Thank goodness for my lovely kids, my amazing neighbours and my friends even if they are couples. 

    Jen XXX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jen,

    I'm doing OK thanks. I'm 2 years post treatment and my cancer is still nowhere to be seen!

    As for bereavement, I'm 25 years down the road and have got used to the new me. Ok, I still get a little eye incontinence when I think about what should have been, but at least I have some very happy memories to fall back on.

    You actually make music?! WOW! I'm impressed. The only way I make music is with the aid of a CD player. We once had a violin teacher come to our school, so I dug out the family violin and went off to classes, but he was only interested in taking on violin pupils who could already play another instrument. On top of that, the school music teacher divided our class into singers and non=singers, and you can guess which group I fell into!

    When I go to concerts I am lucky that I see many of my friends are there, and it no longer matters when you are in your 70's whether they are single or couples!

    I never had brothers and sisters either, but I have two lovely "children" (I hope they don't read this!) and my daughter lives near and is a great support when I've a crisis.And my lovely friends also rally round to help without being pushy.

    Colin xxx

  • FormerMember

    Colin -

    That's good news about the 2 years. Long may it continue.

    Oh and I am no musician, I can tell you. But I do try - heck am I trying!!! And I don't really have a voice, but I was lucky enough to find a local choir whose members are forgiving and tolerant and see their choir as more than a group of people who sing...... That's the great thing about music, don't you think? It brings people together and you're right. It doesn't matter about the couple thing.

    On a good day, I guess you learn to deal with being single again. And the things I feel comfortable with, the music, the garden, the walking (I'm lucky to have a lovely friendly dog), art etc may be things which avoid putting myself in an obviously 'couple' situation. And yes, there are even good things about being the person who calls the shots. I get to choose the TV programmes, for instance! And yes, I do know I will always carry my D in my heart. He will always be a part of me. But the moments when I realise exactly what it means to be on my own just flatten me and I miss him a very great deal. As you wisely said, it is early days yet, although 10 months seems both nothing and a lifetime. 

    Well, I have to turn this dreadful experience into something positive. Maybe, getting involved with a cancer charity will be the thing to do. I'm not yet sure, but feel I have something to share which I'd like to think could be a tiny step towards improving the lot of others. 

    Anyway, I'm glad you have your daughter living near. My daughter is amazing. She reminds me of her Dad - the same practicality & willingness to get on with stuff mixed in with a certain dignity.

    Take care of yourself,

    Jen XXX

  • FormerMember

    Hey Jen,

    I only just saw this and I think I said it all already somewhere else, so just wanted to send my warrior friend the biggest of hugs. Bug ones. and some courage and light and my goodness if you look behind you, you will see just how far you have travelled and how amazingly well you are doing!

    I am so very proud of you... and the odd sob on the kitchen floor is ok too and it washes away things and otherwise, I am walking alongside you one step at a time and when those boots get a bit heavy, I'll hold your hand and pull you along a bit.

    keep singing

    LM xxx