Breaking down.

1 minute read time.
So today I found out that my aunt (who genuinely is like a second mum to me) was told that there's nothing that the hospital can do for her. On Thursday she was diagnosed with brain cancer, for at least 4 months everyone had noticed a massive change in her, mentally and physically. My uncle had taken her to doctors who told her to go to hospital for various tests over those 4 months, but as no answers were found as to why she was changing, my uncle eventually forced the hospital to admit her to find out what was causing it. So for FOUR months at least, doctors missed the fact that she has brain cancer. I've been trying to stay positive. I was hoping she would be alright and that they'd caught it early enough to at least do something to help her. But my world came crumbling down today. My uncle and aunt have no kids, and my brother and I being their only niece and nephew they always treat us like we are their kids. They're my role models. I've not been to visit my aunt, I last saw her on her birthday last month, where she never spoke to me or anyone (which is not like her) and she was totally spaced out. I don't know if I want to visit her as both my parents recommend that I don't cause she is a lot worse. But I don't want to know that seeing her last month will be the last time I ever see her. Also, I don't want to go, knowing that it will be the last time I see her and get upset which will upset her because I don't think she fully understands what's going on. I'm really struggling to cope. I just want to cry all the time an it's all I can think about. I have a supportive boyfriend but don't feel like he understands how I feel and as for my mum, she just keeps telling me everything will be alright like I'm a 5 year old. But I'm 20 and not naive. I need my aunty to be okay. I need her. I'm so angry that the doctors never found it sooner.
  • FormerMember

    Hi Amy, I am so sorry to hear about your auntie. My mum and my unlce both have brain cancer. I know where your coming from. . She maybe isnt the aunite you know and had but its still her. I was the same about seeing my uncle but the ackowlegement on his face when i walked in to see him will be with me forever. Even though there really wasnt any expression or acknowlegement he knew it was me. He doesnt really say much but he knows exactly whats going on around him, all i wanted to do was cry when i saw him but.. you need to be strong. The memories you will have will be the good ones not the horrible ones, they will be there but the good ones will outshine the bad. xxx

  • FormerMember

    My aunt died two weeks ago. Am still grieving. It's just not fair. It all happened too quick.