Just diagnosed with hodgkins lymphoma

2 minute read time.

So ive just got my diagnosis finally after about 4 months of worrying and being fobbed off by the first hospital that were dealing with me. I first found a lump in my neck but thought nothing of it until a few more emerged, then I went to my GP but still had no idea it would be this. After having a few blood tests, an xray and an ultrasound of my neck at the one hospital, I was told on the phone that I had nothing to worry about, everything was fine and was given a routine follow up appointment about 2 months later. After a few weeks, I noticed a lump under my arm and one in my groin, now I was worrying again :( so I went back to my GP who told me I shouldve had a biopsy already and referred me back to the hospital as a matter of urgency. A few more weekd went on and I had heard nothing, so left several messages on the doctors secretarys answerphone until finally getting through and being tol it wasnt important enough and that I would have to wait. I was then rushed to a different hospital with appendicitus, and had it removed, and on the xray they took of my abdominal/chest area there was a shadow in my lung which turned out to be more lymph glands. This now meant that this hospital was dealing with it. They were very quick and did the biopsy on my neck within 2 weeks. I got my diagnosis last friday and was reffered to Royal Marsden for treatment. I am now awaiting a bone marrow sample (which im terrified about!) and a PET scan to determine the stage, and then will start my chemotherapy. I was told I should cut my hair short to prepare for losing it, but as someone with terrible self confidence anyway, I dont think I can bring myself to do it. I feel fine right now, and doing that would make it all seem real :( Im terrified about starting chemo, Ive scared myself silly reading about all the possible side effects...some days im feeling strong and like I just want to get it started and fight it, but other days I feel sad, angry, or kind of in denial and confusion that to get rid of this disease inside me I have to go through months of feeling awful when at the moment I feel perfectly fine, I just cant get my head around it. It would be great to hear some honest advice and information from people about the treatment and how im going to feel, because im struggling to keep a brave face :(

  • Hi   just to offer some support and advice, I had NHL stage 4 and am doing ok post treatment so do not worry to much about everything, try to focus on getting well. The bone marrow biopsy is done normally under local anestetic and does not hurt, though you may be sore for a couple of days. the advice about cutting your hair short is good advice and you may want to do it in stages, it means you do not have to deal with hair loss as that can be an issue for many. It is possible to retain some hair for a long while if you do have it cut short there have been many nhl patients who have, but it may depend on the type of chemo. NHL patients tend to get r-chop. The chemo intially may not be too bad as you will find out every one reacts differently and you may suffer some of the side effects, if you do write down in a daily diary how you feel and you can then tell your specialist team and they will give you medicine to control it. It is do-able but you may find that you start to feel tired as you progress through treatment again it depends on the treatment given.

    Log in and join the lymphoma groups and hopefully you will get the support and advice you need, I found it helpful when going through treatment to check my reactions and side effects were normal which they were. The best advice I received was the daily diary as it helps when you meet the consultant and also write down the questions as they come too you so you always have them to ask.

    we are all here to help and support, good luck with the treatment and try to be strong and positive it helps more than you will realise at the time.
