Been diagnosed with cervical cancer just 2 hours ago, help!!!

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Hi, don't know how I feel at the moment, still trying to get my head around this, waiting for my partner to come home from work, results came back I had cancer cells on biopsys on cervix and also from my smear, got an MRI next week and hoping its not spread to any other places, doctor said I'll need a hysterectomy, going to Addenbrooks as well at one point to start treatment.
  • FormerMember

    Hi Cazpuds,  Sorry to see you joining us. It really knocks you sideways when you first get told something isn't right.  Do please join the 'Cervical Group' it will be the best place for you to get friendly advice and support from those who know all about diagnosis, any surgery and treatments etc. Just click the green text link. You can reply to posts but if you want to create a New Discussion as an intro or ask specific questions you have to actually join the group first then a 'New Discussion' button appears.

    Know it's practically impossible but try not to worry too much until you get more results and info and know what you are dealing with.  Don't hesitate about posting, sooner you get to 'meet' others the better you will feel about all this. They are a great bunch on here.

    Take care and good luck and your husband with your diagnosis.

    George & Jackie (breast group)

  • FormerMember

    Hi Cazpuds.  

    It's hard I know but do try not to panic, I had breast cancer last year and can completely understand you probably feel like your world has turned upside down and the shock of your diagnosis.  

    However, you have done the right thing by joining the online community and do join the Cervical Cancer group recommended by George and Jackie.  

    Probably seems cold comfort right now but I personally have known two women who were successfully treated for cervical cancer and got their lives back, it will seem impossible to think positive and be strong - at the same time though don't be afraid to cry.

    Take care, and very best wishes as you start your journey.

    (Breast Group and Breast Cancer for the under 50s Group)