Saturday 3rd February day 3, 3rd EC

1 minute read time.

Well I actually didn't go to bed early lastnight as after my pills I seemed to wake up, I took a 10mg amitriptlyline thinking it would help with sleep. Went to bed at 12pm awake first 2.30am managed to get to sleep again but by 4.30 I was awake again Disappointed why is it always on the half hour, I tried to get back off to sleep but, the warthog had turned into a big cat as he sounded like he was purring this morning, so by 5.15 I decided it was time to get up. Made tea, took my meds and sat infront of the TV.

I now know why I was feeling sick yesterday, I forgot to take one of my Ondanserton yesterday, most probably the morning one, I might take the forgotten one tomorrow. 

I have been out for a walk this morning and came home and made some dauphinoise potatoes to go with the cold turkey so will have a lovely tasty lunch, before my taste buds dissappear tomorrow. I havevsome ice pops in the freezer so I might try those later after my Filgrastim injection, as I think it could be those killing my taste off that or its just a coincidence that it seems to start after my injections start. 

I gave managed to snooze this afternoon for the first time ever since starting this chemo journey, hubby got the foot stool out for me and I snuggled under a blanket, I must have got about an hours sleep Slight smile

Have had a light tea tonight fruit,  yoghurt and crisps and an ice pop after my injection let's see if it makes any difference to my taste buds tomorrow.

Happy Saturday evening everyone. Xx

  • Glad you had a nap after your wakeful night. I take loratadine whilst I’m having Filgrastim injections as they do seem to do funny things to my system. 
    Hope the ice pops work x

  • I was going to take something tomorrow as going to take something to help me sleep tonight.


  • I never get much sleep following chemo. The first two days because of the steroids and then after that  I wake up every couple of hours for the loo as I drink so much water. My mouth gets horribly dry and I wake up with a headache and parched. The taste I get is that everything tastes as though it's covered in velvet...only sweet things seem bearable like the fruit and yoghurt. Cake or biscuits are horrible due to the texture and feel very furry! 

  • Hi Jocasta

    I actually had a fairly good sleep lastnight, I didn't actually get out of bed until 8.45 I had been awake on and off since about 3.30, but I must have kept dosing off. I took my amatriptaline a bit later so maybe that helped a little bit. I find bananas are OK when taste goes plus toast and yoghurts, I also eat a handful of almonds each day as high in calcium.

    My mouth sensation, is different to yours in that everything feels slimy. 
