Day 4 post first EC Chemo

2 minute read time.

Well lastnight was my first Filgrastim injection, hubby read all the speil then read out the possible side effects that I could get. I was very nervous, but I have a grab bag ready just incase!

Someone suggested its good to have a bag ready incase you have to suddenly get to the hospital. it will be coming with us in the car each time we visit, just incase. I was never in the brownies or girl guides but I do like to be prepared for anything. Being brought up on a farm and still living in the sticks a bit. Only has slippers, Pj's, new toothbrush, make-up and some creams, oh and bag of bolied sweets, headphones and music. E reader needs adding at last m8n with phone and chargers.

Today for me started at 3amSleepingSleeping I'm glad I took my reader up lastnight as I lay in bed trying to get back to sleep with a husband laying next to me snoring and snorting as he now has my head cold that invaded me on boxing day,Fingers crossedhopefully my body will say its OK you've had this already Fingers crossed he sounds like he's been sniffing custardJoyJoy

I finally sucumed to the need for a cuppa at 7am, water wasn't doing it for me. I tried to quietly go and make the tea, but Lulu's song Boom bang a bang rang around the room, as I knocked over thing's oh well it was 7 and I been awake since 3 so bah!

Made cuppas and returned to bubbly blowing hubby, I feel bad waking him again, but I did make an effort to let him sleep earlier.

Hubby has been up now and left me in bed to rest, as still can't sleep, I might take one of my Amatriptaline tonight to see if I can sleep better. He's making a batch of chicken curry for today and the freezerGrin.

So far like I say so good, apart from lack of sleep everything else is fairly normal, well as normal as it can be having cancer treatment with a picc line in your dominant arm. Finished the tablet meds now, have my just incase sickness ones now. And of course 6 Moore Filgrastim injections to go.

I have not been constipated, no diarrhoea, no aches, just not sleeping well at the moment.

Looking forward to my chicken curry later. I do appreciate what my wonderful husband is doing, he's returning the love care I gave him in July when he had open surgery for AAA.

It's only 12.30 so if I do start feeling bad, will post about it tomorrow. 
