how can things change so quickly

1 minute read time.

My dad was told on Monday that he has a cancerous polyp in his bowel (if I am honest i expected this from events that happended after various proceedures he had been through) but at the same time we were told he has secondary liver cancer.  We were all stunned.  In this meeting I didnt really take in anything other than the Dr said the liver cancer was terminal.  Since Monday I feel like I am in a living nightmare.  My dad is a very private man and doesnt want to talk about it.  I cant get my head round it, could they have made a mistake.  How can he die when he appears to be so well, not in pain, or he says he isnt.  My dad was 84 on April 1st.  I just dont understand or believe that in a space of a week things can change dramatically.  What will happen next.  Dad has appt with another Dr very soon who will apparantly talk through his options for the bowel cancer, ie an operation or chemotherapy, but if the liver cancer is terminal why we would put dad through this if at the end of it all it wont cure the liver cancer.  Am so confused, keep going through it in my head and I still dont see how dad will get ill when he is well now, why will the cancer grow, surely if it has been there for a while (which I think was said) why would it grow now.  Help


  • FormerMember

    Hi Weller so sorry to hear about your Dads problems I do go on the CHAT line its such a great help to all, Life can be so cruel at times, Sorry I wish there could be more to say to you, just wish you all the best hope

    Kessie xx

  • FormerMember

    I was in the same position as your dad. At the end of last October Ihad a hemicolectomy and was lucky enough to not need a stoma. I am currently on my sixth session of chemotherapy and again have been lucky enough to have little in the way of side wffects. Just typing here gently hiccoughing to myself. Let your dad talk about it if and when he is ready.

    Everyone reacts differently, yesterday when i was in the day procesdure ward having the four hour session of chemo before coming home with my bottle attached, we ( the patients in my section were having a real laugh.True you do seee some people going through really bad side effects but in general the people who keep possitive and cheerful seem to be doing well. I have made up my mind that I rule my life not the cancer even if it is terminal. I can't change that but I am determned yo enjoy what is left of life however long it may be.

    Lat week the nurse told me that my cancer markers had gone down from 17000 to 2000 so the chemo is having some effect.

    Hope it goes as well for your dad.

    Wishing you well and keep positive improvements are happening all the time.


  • FormerMember

    hi hun i was diagnosed with secondary liver cancer last sept ;like your dad had no symptoms and wasnt ill till i got sceptaceamia and i ended up in hospital where they found it after a routine scan anyways they couldnt find the primary anywhere and im on no 4 chemo (2 to go........ every three weeks )but had a scan midway and it has reduced by 20 % so the chemo is working as mike said its your whole attitude that does help im sure i didnt ask for this bloody thing and how dare it invade my body thats my attitude im going nowhere for a long time can assure you so chin up  positive thoughts all the way and if you need us we are always here to answer any questions or just for a right old moaning session love and hugs jen xxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi there I am a new user and need some advice my husband had bowel cancer 2 years ago and during a routine check up they found a liver tumour and with a pet scan found a fibroblastoma in his chest wall we have not seen a consultant since the 8th june just radiologists to have chest biopsy's he has been told treatment for his liver depends on what is going on in his chest but a fibroblastoma in the chest is quite rare. Can anyone give me any feedback on this.