
1 minute read time.

Hello everyone it has been some time since i was last on the site i think it must be over two months or more. I came upon some very negative blogs and i was really frightened by them, particulary as back then my diagnosis was realatively new.

I decided that i could not visit the site anymore as it left me really anxious. I find this really quite sad as in the early days following my diagnosis i do not know what i would have done without it.  I realise of course that we all need to off load especially going through the cancer journey, and perhaps i was a little over sensitive and read too much into these particular blogs..................... I suppose we all deal with things very differently and my reaction is particular to me,

Nonetheless i want to say a big thank you to everyone who has supported me especially in the early days following diagnosis and all the words of comfort and advice i received.  it is unlikely i will be a frequent visitor anymore.  I am in a really good place right now, I am halfway through chemo and my surgery was very successful.  I dont want to risk feeling so uncomfortable again.

I wish all of my friends (you know who you are) and everyone else who uses the site the very very best and I hope that your futures are a bright as i feel mine is. I am not quite through the tunnel yet but the light is at the end is shining and each day i move closer to it.

Thank you all again you have been wonderful.

Jules xx
