So the journey begins...............

1 minute read time.

Well here I go am boarding the cancer train for real tomorrow, so far its been a series of outpatient appointments and discussions  and more appointments and more discussions. Tomorrow i get a sentinel node biospy in preparation for the big one on 23rd June. Today was the radioactive dye injection and yet more images.  Apparantly i should go a subtle shade of blue by tomorrow (not quite smurf like but close) if only I had a fancy dress party to go to all i would need is the curved hat to complete the look!!

I am hopeful that the biopsy will also show what all the scans have so far shown, that the lymphnodes are negative for cancer.  If they are then fantastic and wonderful and the cancer is contained in my breast.  If not then it will form another part of my op.  Either way this mother is on its way out.My poorly boob has indeed been through the mill, as have I of course but as always my positivity will not fade i wont let it, and i wont let this unwelcome visitor win.  its days are numbered, i can cross another day off my calendar.

So as i wait at the station tomorrow my thoughts will be on the on the 23rd and which connections i take from there, i dont want to think about the final destination it is too far away all i know is that i have no choice but to take the train.  I only  hope that there are no soul destroying delays.

Once again folks, dont know what i would do without the Mac family, it is comforting to know you are all with me one way or another, thank you

Love & hugs

Jules xx



  • FormerMember

    Hi Jules,

    I get my dye injections next Wed along with the scans.

    Will let you know the outcome.  Look after yourself.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jules

    Take it one step at a time - no reason why it shouldnt all go to plan and when you wake up on 23rd fingers crossed you will be cancer free. Once this step is over then your final destination will be closer. I found that even though I was on a scary journey the train was safe and secure and knew exactly where and how it was going to get me to my destination safely.

    Fingers crossed the results are what you hope for. Much Love xx