Medical Mansion

2 minute read time.

Well guys and gals( god i sound like Jimmy Saville) its nearly ,tomorrow Im off to the medical mansion for the slice and dice I have been very patiently awaiting.  Now its nearly here im a little anxious but strangely enough i dont have the usual washing machine feeling in the tum. I guess for me its about evicting the squatter that has invaded my boob (how very dare it and how very rude)

My bag has been packed for a couple of weeks!  Keen or what.( no just sad) Its filled with such delights i might add,  delightful wee willie winkie nightshirts, big nickers...... and a granny pair of shuffling slippers. Not just delights folks they are M&S delights. In prepartion ive had, haircut, eyelash tint, eybrow tint, chiropody, waxing er........ o yes and manicure. One has to try and look ones best even though no one will give a damn i do and it will make me feel me if that makes sense.  Its bad enough to be losing my boob, but great to be losing the tum. Im taking a pic of a super model in with me so my plastic surgeon can see how i need to look (no pressure) LOL

Whilst i have made light of it, on a serious note it is a major job and the thought of being in the theatre for 8 hours (no not watching a show...... if only) but how silly i will be fast asleep what will i know. Well i will sure know when i wake up !

So here goes this is the real deal now and i need to hang on to all of my positivity and strength it cant waiver at this next massive hurdle.  I have said from the begining that i intend to kick the monster ass and that mindset has not changed.  So with the help of my wonderful oncologist, plastic surgeon and others we are going to get it.

I want to say thank you to all of my wonderful mac mates for their unending support over the last few weeks and i am lucky i found you all. Being part of this community has done more than you will ever know and will contiune to prop me up over the next few difficult months.

Hope to be back soon i need to keep up with all of our journeys. Take care everyone and am sending you all love and loads of hugs

Jules xx
