The Probability Theory

1 minute read time.

The Probability Theory I wish I had never heard of it!

I hadn't until thursday morning wqhen the postman dropped a big fat envelope through my letterbox.


I was happily chugging along with my life. Relieved that my journey was coming to an end ( I had just been for my pre-op assessment for my stoma reversal) then Wham Splat Bam. I get blown way with what the professor said.

That if my bowel hadn't have burst then I could have considered myself cured, because it had burst I have to consider myself uncured.

Also the probability is that I will die from my disease within the next 5 years if not in the next 10!


Wow how do you come to terms with that?


It has catapulted me back 8 years to when my husband was diagnosed with meso and we knew there was no cure for him.

How it made us feel that we had lost control of our lives of our future.

Now he is gone and it has been for 5 years. I had my own battle with cancer and thought that I had won. Yes I am NED yes I thought I was cured. Silly old me.

Why should I be different?

I just feel like I have lost control again. I want to try to put my life back into perspective but those words are ringing in my head.

Most likely,  probably. All because the Drs didn't do there job properly and let my tumour grow big enough to cause a blockage thus allowing my bowel to burst.



Where do I go from here? How do I pick myself up?

I try to talk to my partner but he doesn't hear me.

I have just said that I feel all wound up today his answer was "Do you darling" not why? Oh no he is too interested in watching tv.


Lots has gone on this week I have lost my best friend who I thought was my best friend, she told me that I had too much baggage for her. That was before this happened.


If I hadn't brought a complaint against the PCT then the professor wouldn't have got involved and I would be none the wiser. Going around happy as a sandgirl believing that I had beaten cancer.

Whereas now I have been told that cancer will beat me.

I hate feeling out of control of my life.

Love Julie xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Julie this is something I've walked around knowing since I was diagnosed with a brain tumour - one day it will kill me.  Statistics say 2.5 to 3 years (another reason my upcoming scan is causing me so much stress) and here I am 2 years on thinking OK.....when do I start to feel ill.  Of course every little headache or pain has me reeling!

    Julie, you and I are NOT statistics, we are unique individuals and I hope to live a lot longer than their prognosis, not only because I want to see my kids grow up & don't want to leave my husband......but just to prove how wrong the docs can be!

    Last week all you had to worry about was when is your TV going to arrive.........this week is NO different, so you read a letter......file it away because dwelling on stuff like that can have a very bad impact on your life.

    You are already getting niggly with your partner and I am not to say who is right, him or you.....perhaps its all just circumstance?

    I know what its like to have a prognosis clock ticking LOUDLY in your head but you can't let it dictate how you live or how LONG..........YOU are the master of your own destiny.

    Lotsa love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Julie same with me, as debs said, I was told 3to4months, and 3 YEARS later I'm still here, come on mate, get your stomping boots on, if you let it beat you mentally it will beat you, I said it before statistics are only maybes and averages and educated guesses, your not average, your a strong individual, prove the useless b*****ds your not a statistic!!


    LIZ xoxoxoxo

  • Wise words... from wise folk. Listen, digest and absorb! There are lies; there are damn lies, and then there are statistics!

    I agree, all the medics want to go by 'the worse possible scenario'... so they have their butts covered if anything goes wrong. Have you ever read any of the leaflets that come with drugs? " Don't drink alcohol" .... "Don't operate machinery" COBBLERS! It is all down to this culture of suing everyone, right left and centre... if you break a finger-nail!

    Don't  listen to these prats - you're worth more!


  • FormerMember

    Hi Julie,

    Sorry you've had such a difficult time. Hope you can get back to feeling positive about stoma reversal, etc soon. 'Probably' could be counteracted with 'but might not' perhaps?

    You have given so much support to people on this site, I hope you get the support you need soon and feel loved once more.




  • just thought I would share a chat I had on Thursday,

    A colleague asked how I was as I had been unwell backend of last year and had to have a scan. It was clear which I explained and came out with my usual that I am not a stat. She replied that we are all stats but you can be a good stat, so from a half full glass it became a full one. So now I am a GOOD stat and so can you be.

    Dig deep and find your fighting spirit and be good

    oh and by the way I don't think your partner is any different to many who prefer not to talk especially if its about a negative outcome.
