
2 minute read time.

A BIG thankyou to all who answered my blog Guilty.

It is true there is alot of love on this site and I definitely feel it this past 24 hours.

I haven't yet spoken to my mum, members of my family were present and witnessed the argument, I spent last night on my own, no-one rang me to see how I was, my distress and heartache obviously went unnoticed by my sisters. I still feel guilty about the incident but it is not an isolated case I have spent my life feeling guilty about my mum.

 Guilty because I was abused by my mums best friends husband at the age of 3 until I was 11. At the age of 11 my mum sent me to the Drs on my own, and that is when the proverbial s..t hit the fan. Mum dealt with it by moving house and sweeping it under the carpet.

 I feel guilty because my dad left his wife and 5 kids when I was 15, I had to keep my mum together, look after my brothers and sisters (I am the eldest). Gulity because my mum was anywhere but in th house with her kids, seeking support from the neighbours, guilty because I had to go looking for her because us kids needed her.

Guilty because I continued to have a relationship with my dad and his new family until the day he died at 73. Against my mums wishes! My mum made me feel guilty for loving my dad.

 I feel guilty for getting pregnant at 17 so much so I purposely never had anymore children. My mum didn't speak to me for 4 days she was more worried about what the neighbours would think.

 I feel guilty for embarking on an abusive marriage.

I feel guilty for doing well for myself, for gaining a degree in nursing.

Guilty for finding my soulmate and being really truly happy whilst my mum spent 32 years mourning her divorce and loving my dad.

Gulity because I have a lovely home even though my beloved and I bought my mum her home 10 years ago.

Guilty because I needed my mum when my husband died of cancer and we had not told a soul because that was his wishes. 

 The happiest time in my life was short lived, my marriage was the happiest it could be. As I said to a lady earlier it is better to have loved and lost than to never have loved at all.

 I have spent a lifetime wanting to be loved.

 I have spent a lifetime trying to please my mum, my siblings.

 What for?  To be ignored when I need them the most.

 Well I have been very fortunate to meet another soulmate, he is taking good care of me. He has gone home to his house until chemo no3. He says " You and me against the world kid "

We can't have everything and we should be thankful for what we have, there are somethings we wish we didn't have. Thank you again to my New adopted family. I love you all. Julie XXXXXXX  




  • FormerMember

    Julie all that you have been thru is no

    fault of your own, and you have shown

    great strength. Dont let the inseniveity

    of your mum and family take that away

    from you. All you have been thru has made you a very caring person, and

    you have no reason to feel guilt. Cheryl

    has made a suggestion to you that may

    be just what you need to rid yourself of

    this unwanted guilt. think about it, it may

    be good for you to get all your past

    heartache out. I know i have been made

    stronger by facing my demons and

    getting rid of things in my life that were

    festering within. Let the people that have

    hurt you in your life carry the guilt, its

    not your problem pet. We are all here to

    support you, you know that dont you.

    Sending  BIG HUG your way and lots of


    With Love Lucylee. XXXXXX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Julie,

    Just wanted to send you a huge hug.. Your words brought me to tears.

    Please try not to feel guilty (easy to say, I know), but it is your family who have lost out on appreciating a great daughter & sister.

    I am so pleased you have found your soulmate.

    You & him against the world..


  • FormerMember

    Hi Julie.  Like the others have said before, please don't harbour guilty feelings any longer.  None of this has been your fault.  You are entitled to some happiness in life.

    I am pleased that you have found someone wonderful to share your life with.

    Let others deal with the hard parts and you make the most of what you've got.

    Sending you some love and best wishes, Christine xx

  • FormerMember


    So much guilt, heres what I would  do - write down every guilty feeling you have ever had on a piece of paper  individually and put them all in  a container, take them outside and burn them, you need to let all this guilt go Julie, or you will never be free of it, guilt is such a wasted emotion, and none of us have time for it.  You will feel a whol lot better, then get on with having some fun with that lovely man of yours and if the family don't support you then you have to decide if you are going to let that ruin the rest of your life.  You deserve so much happiness, please do not let anything stand in the way of that.

    Take care

    Jo Mac