Its been awhile!

1 minute read time.

Hi to everyone who knows me on here and hello to those who don't.

Its been along while since I last blogged although I have stuck around to support my old friends and others who have come along needing to be supported at the beginning of their journey.

I just wanted to bring everyone upto date of where I am 9 months after treatment ended.

The last time I blogged it was to say that I was awaiting a reversal of my colostomy.

It has now been 8 months since I was referred to a surgeon and 5 months since I was put onto the waiting list for my operation and I have heard absolutely nothing.

I have called the surgeons secretary twice and my stoma nurse twice.

I had a colonoscopy on the 7th october and officially I am still waiting for an appointment for the results.

If I hadn't rang my stoma nurse imagine how I would be feeling now I would be absolutely doolally tap!!

My stoma nurse gave me the results and happily everything remains fine.

Now I don't know what the official waiting time is for elective surgery I am told that it differs from trust to trust.

My daughter is having her 1st baby in february at the age of 39 and she wants me at the birth. It is to be my 1st biological grandchild and I would love to be there but the way things are going and knowing my luck I am not going to make it. I live in the north west and my daughter lives in Penzance many many miles away.

Will I have had my op by then? Am I going to be fit enough? Who knows? 

I know I don't!

 I would like to wish all my friends on here both old and new

A Very Happy Christmas and A Wonderful and Healthy New Year

Lots of Love Julie xxx 

  • FormerMember

    hi hun - i havent been here for ages too - been reet busy - just spotted your post

    sorry to hear they are being a bit slow - but lovely to hear your good news - a new baby - a new beginning

    methinks 2011 is goin to be a VERY special year for you

    good luck with everything

    merry crimbo


  • FormerMember

    i hun..hope you here about your op soon and if you do go to Penzance give me a shout. You and Dick have a great xmas girl and just think mate, you new year wish should come true....getting your bum back!!!! Carol x

  • FormerMember

    Hey Julie, if you can't make it to the birth, I am sure Kezzer would step in ;)

    Hope you hear soon, even if its months away, its good to get a date.

    Here's wishing you and Dick a wonderful Christmas and a Happy & Healthy New Year.

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Ya Julie,

    Hope you get news back about your reversal soon.

    especially in time for the Happy day. All the best to you and Dick. Good luck and have a happy Christmas and a very special new Year.

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Sarsfield.xx

  • I think you've been very patient waiting this long. I think I would have had a tantrum and "sream an' scream an' scream 'til I make myself sick" like Violet Elizabeth Bott in the Just William books!

    Hope its all sorted out soon and you're there to welcome your new gradchild into the world.

    Best wishes,
