I Want My Life Back!!!!

Less than one minute read time.

I was discharged from hospital 4 weeks ago after a 3 week stay!

The Dr said they would see me in 4 weeks in the clinic.

No appointment as yet!!

I have been having trouble with my illiostomy stoma and rang the colorectal nurse for advise.

The nurse asked me if I had seen anyone since I was discharged? My answer was no!

The nurse said that she would get my surgeons secretary to send me an appointment, now that was over a week ago!

Why when they say 4 weeks don't they stick to it? It is more than likely going to be 8 weeks as I know that we usually get about 3 weeks notice.

Now the urology specialist said that he would see me in 2 months, I have had the appointment for 2 weeks already .


I have a new grandson to meet, he is already a month old. He lives a 9 hour car journey away!

I have a posh wedding to go to in Scotland in June and have been promised that my temperary illiostomy will be reversed by then!

I don't have a cat in hells chance!!!!

Cancer! Hospitals! Doctors! I am sick of it all!

I Want My life Back!!!!!!!

Love Julie xx

  • FormerMember

    aw bless hun know how you feel i want to go scotland and visit my mum but want to be well enough to go up there cos dont want her to see me ill if you know what i mean and ive been given a two week break from chemo cos my mets have reduced 20% which is great but im still feeling slightly nauseous so dont feel able to travel so far by bus !!

    yes we get fed up with hospitals and doctors and appointments but we are still here babe and thats the most important thing to be able to moan so hope you get  word this week for your appointment and if you dont get on that phone and tell them you have to know when ypur appointment is cos you do have a life to lead thats me i just get onto the appointments and see if they can put me in if they say 3 weeks i want it in three weeks phone the hospital first thing monday and do your damndest girl!!!!

    love and hugs jen xxx

  • FormerMember

    Aw, sending you some hugs Julie. You really have had a time of it without being messed about by the hospital.

    I can't blame you for being sick of it all, especially when you can't see an end in sight just yet. I guess you'll just have to stick in there hun and hope they get their finger out soon and get you sorted.

    Thinking of you. Christine xx

  • You have to be persistant with these clerks who fix appointments - keep 'phoning until they are so sick of you they sort something out just to shut you up! (lol) I've done it and it pays off - no raised voices at them (as much as you may want to) just persistent bloody-mindedness.

    Good luck,


  • FormerMember

    Goodness me....what a time you are having.

    Just a thought that it might be worth trying to go straight to your surgeons secretary...this will work I am sure...its what I tend to do now.....give it a go....

    Kim xx

  • FormerMember

    I just want to reiterate what kim1966 said.  Also, sorry you feel so bad and hope you feel better soon.