Good news then bad news

Less than one minute read time.

Went to get my scan results which were clear. Only have 1 more chemo to go so Onc said to forget it,  that 11 is enough. Yippee! Then he said that he wants me to have radiotherapy and to go home for 6 weeks to get over the chemo, then go back and discuss it. My cancer has gone and in the empty space is now the rest of my bowel which has slipped down to fill it. He said he is a little worried about that.

Why couldn't it just be all over. The radiotherapy is to stop it coming back in that place again. He must know something I don't. I am terriefied to have radiotherapy, I am scared it will stop my chance of having a reversal of my stoma.

Can anyone out there tell me of their experience with radiotherapy and bowel cancer? Love Julie xx

  • FormerMember

    hi ... im sorry i would love to help... but as i have seen there are no replies i just wanted to tell you that its not only bowel cancer that oncologists are vague about .. its all of them... way back in 99 when i was first dx with breast cancer, i asked my onc some questions because i only got vague answers he said something to me that has stuck with me all this time..... his words of wisdom???

    "if we knew everything there is to know about cancer we would PREVENT it instead of having to try and cure it"... and the truth is ... cancer can be unpredictable... and no one really knows... they can only do what they know what to do..... otherwise cancer would be like smallpox.... wiped off the face of the earth...

    i had radio theraphy for my b.c ... and it not a bit of bother.... so untraumatic... a bit of a chore going every day and a bit tired... a walk in the park compared to chemo....  reallly not that big a deal on the grand scale of things.... so try not to worry

    good luck with everthing....

    liz x

  • Hi Julie,

    I had radiotherapy for breast cancer so I can't comment on your particular query but wanted to reassure you that radiotherapy is an 'okay' treatment in itself.

    Hope it all works out for the best.


  • FormerMember

    I had RT for a brain tumour so again completely different kettle of fish, but even though the side-effects can nasty when having the head 'zapped', I breezed through it.

    It was quite a short relaxing lay on a table, they usually play music and its all over in less than 5 minutes - takes longer to line you up.

    Its your decision, but if this is another preventative measure.....its gotta be good right???

    Hopefully Angela will pop in here, I think thats more her area of expertise.  I'll give her a nudge on FB.

    Love & Strength

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Julie

    Unfortunately I have no knowledge of RT as I only had chemo. Why don't you post your question in the bowel cancer group? There might be somebody there that can advise.

    Wising you all the very best with the treatment. I'm sure you will breeze through it as you have the chemo!

    Angela xxxx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Julie

    I am sorry that the news was a bit mixed.

    I don't have any experience of the treatment but I sincerely wish you all the very best

