Funny but great

1 minute read time.

Well what a funny treatment this time. I was sooooo ill more or less from the outset right up until saturday when I felt very tired and sick. I went to bed after X factor and had the best nights sleep I have had in ages. ( My boyfriend had gone home the day before he only stays if I am unwell) I awoke sunday morning to a beautiful sunny day. My friend (who is a widow too ) rang and suggested we ventured out for a walk and had sunday roast somewhere. So at 1-30 we set off and did a bit of a pub crawl. I didn't have any alcohol at first but just enjoyed beinng out and about and feeling somewhat normal again. Anyway to cut a long story short, 10 hours later and 6 glasses of red wine I returned home, went to bed and had another wonderful nights sleep. Today I got up to another beautiful day and have decided to walk to the gym and have a swim. I hope each treatment is going to be like this 3rd one. It will be worth feeling ill for a few days to get back to normal for my GOOD week. Bring it on!!! I won't hold my breath! I wish that everyone on here could feel like I do at the moment. Happy to be alive. Love to all Julie XXXX

  • FormerMember

    Hi Julie, what a lovely post to read this morning.

    So glad you had a lovely day yesterday and I hope the rest of the week continues the same way for you.

    Love, Christine xx

  • FormerMember

    Hey Julie,

    What a wonderful Sunday, here's to many many more like that!

    Love & Strength,

    Debs xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Julie

    Realy pleased for you

    May each day be good for you

    We live in a wonderful world.


  • FormerMember

    Hiya Julie,

    A 10 hour pub crawl, that's my girl!!!!

    We belong to the club where a good day is just about the best thing in the world, long may they continue!

    love n hugs

    Andrew xx

  • FormerMember

    welli have never felt so ill as i feel at the moment?

    I had chemo on friday since when i have been realy ill feeling realy sick all night and day and wery little sleep ,my left leg is on fire so whatever is wrong there is going to have to be sorted out and i am cold though the house is warm enough18*.

    I expect this is what all of us go through with this treatment but i didnt have it the first two times?..

    i dont want to call the doc in if this is standard reaction to chemo, I donr t know!!.

    pete skipper