Three years in remission now :)

2 minute read time.

Hi everyone, it's been a long while since I updated my blog, so long in fact that I couldn't figure out how to add to my old one so have made a new one, hope this works :)

I have been to hospital this week for my review and have got the all clear again and have been changed to 6 month reviews, so happy and am feeling good.  

The only thing that I still have is night sweats, but the chemo put me in to menopause and night sweats can be a symptom of that too.  This is both reassuring and worrying at times ... what if I put it down to menopause etc etc.  I had seen my own GP about a year after my treatment finished and was advised on weight bearing excercise and told to drink/eat the equivalent of 1 pint of milk a day.  I was fine with that but always felt a need to tell the consultant about the night sweats, not much was said.  This time though I saw the head consultant, the one who saw me through all of my treatment and he asked if the doctor had confirmed I was in menopause and his eyes nearly rolled up into the top of his head when I told him the advice I had been given ... apparently I need another blood test to check my hormone levels to confirm this.  Luckily they still had my blood sample so will re-test it at hospital and send the results to my GP.  Don't think there's anything else to gain from it other than knowing if the chemo has put me in menopause or not, didn't realise periods could return after this length of time!

Anyway everything else is ok, I am managing to keep up with exercise classes, my breathing is still a lot better because of them.  It hasn't improved much more over the past 9 months so think I've got as good as I'm going to but I can do pretty much what I want now, a long way from where I started.  I still get random aches and pains but nothing major and can be quite antisocial when people have coughs and sneezes, my blood results are good now but I still seem to pick up everything that's going.  I get the bus to work so my avoidance tactics don't always work but I do try ... I'm the sad act at the front with the tissue and a handbag full of antibac spray hehe!

Am so glad I changed jobs, much less stress has done me the world of good, the drop in wage has been hard but OK, I wouldn't even entertain my old job now for any money.  On days off I have gone back to my old hobby of making beaded jewellery and have done a couple of local craft fairs, am thoroughly enjoying it.

My hair is still grey, am not going to dye it again ... at first it made me feel really old but now I love it ... and no landing strip every three weeks, bonus lol!

Going to leave it at that as have banged on for quite a bit now ... sorry!

Love and hugs to everyone xxx

  • FormerMember
    A lovely blog - quite inspirational for at the beginning - I'm 7 weeks post on and just about to start my second chemo cycle, feeling ok now nausea settled but just started with hair loss - probably the worst bit for me - thanks for posting - 3 yrs is great x
  • FormerMember

    Thanks Puscus, glad the nausea has settled, remember how bad it was straight after the chemo and for a few days afterwards.

    I was terrible with the hair loss too, but I'm a picker and made my head sore because once it started I kept running my fingers through it to get the loose bits out but couldn't seem to stop.  In the end I had to ask my hubby to shave it off, the only plus side for that was that there were only tiny specks of hair on my pillow afterwards.  It is difficult for us girls so hope you're coping OK, I lost all my hair even lashes and brows but know people whose hair thinned but was OK.

    Wishing you well for the rest of your treatment xx