Still moving on ...

2 minute read time.

Have had follow up appointment with my consultant and he's happy that everything still OK  and no sign of the lymphoma so on 3 month visits now.  Am really pleased because they've now said I have an 80% chance of disease free survival in 3 years which is much more postive that I've had before.

Have still struggled with breathing but have had a couple of chest infections so hopeful this will keep improving.   Had antibiotics and then got a new inhaler - symbicort - have felt good for past 2 weeks and went back for new inhaler yesterday.  However now told that my breathing is just down to side effects of lymphoma treatment and symbicort is for asthma so can't stay on it.  Have said I can go back if breathing gets worse again but they think it might be that they have to give me an inhaler with the antibiotics each time I get a chest infection when breathing will be a struggle.

Still seeing occupational health nurse but down to 2 month visits with her now.  My progress has been slow but in right direction and although I'm asleep on settee within minutes of getting home from work I am managing to do the 2 full days and 1 half day that they wanted. 

Still not sorted permanent part time out yet and they keep messing with the days I work but they have agreed to temporary reduction in hours for now while the job share is sorted out.  No one shortlisted from last lot of applicants but job is advertised againg with closing date next week so fingers crossed they get someone this time.  Will be able to relax a little more when it's all sorted.

Just finished 6 week macmillan online thriving and surviving course - well worth doing - it has really helped me managing my health and coping with the stress at work (work still a nightmare but find I'm not worrying about it like I used to).  Everyone on the course was fabulous throughout and was kinda sorry when it was finished.

Hair is growing well now, still short but has gone to more of a wave than a curl now that the layers have a bit of length (about 2 inches on top now).  Have just had it trimmed again and feel OK with it now, got used to the grey and have decided not to colour it.

Grandma has lost loads of weight and is now on pain relief patches with oramorph fro breakthrough pain, she is struggling with sickness at the minute.  Doctor came out yesterday and gave her an anti sickness injection and is coming back on Tuesday to follow up. Despite all this she is still getting out and about and has portable oxygen that she takes with her and still has a smile for use when we go to see her.

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jozzy

    Glad things are moving in the right direction for you, good news from the Doctors and work is getting there!

    love Fiona

  • FormerMember

    Hi Jozzy sounds like you are doing great ! Im sure you will be flicking your long hair back off your face very soon - and what a nice feeling that is when it happens :o)  

    Hope your job share thing gets sorted out soon - Im very impressed that you are coping with work too with your chest problems. Im wishing you very well and sending lots of love Jools x

  • FormerMember

    Good to hear things are going so well with you, Jozzy. Hope work and chest are sorted out soon!

    love karenx