Fighting sleep

1 minute read time.

Got a text from my mum today to say grandma had heart attack ... as if she hasn't got enough problems to deal with at the moment.  Had to ring to find out more ... feared the worst as they have said she won't be resusitated if anything happens due to the lung cancer and aortic anurism ... but she's still fighting.  The doctor came out to see her and advised her to go into hospital but she didn't want to and the doctor has agreed to treat her at home.  He gave her an injection and some meds and is due to ring later to check how she is and we are to ring if she needs any help.

Went to see her this evening, she was quite sleepy but although the doctor had told her that meds would knock her out and she would sleep she is fighting it.  Mum and me were sat with her chatting and every so often her eyes would open and you could see she was determined to fight the sleep while ever she could.  We had a little chat in waking moments and were able to giggle over a few old memories.

She is very scared and regularly asks what will become of her, just feel so useless ... to her and to my grandad.  I know the fear from when I was at my worst and didn't know what would happen, but still can't find a way to help other than be a distraction for a short while...


  • FormerMember

    Hi Jozzy, sorry to hear about your Gran.

    Just being there with her and holding her

    hand so she doesn't feel alone. Tell her

    everything is ok, she just needs to have a good sleep.I hope she bounces back

    she sure is a fighter.

    With Love Lucy Lee. xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thankyou ... was holding her hand while we were chatting but hadn't really thought about it.

    She does seem to have bounced back a little today and is out of bed and in her chair by the window.  Doctor is coming again later to check how she's doing.

    Jozzy x

  • FormerMember

    Jozzy - I'm sorry to hear about your Gran.  

    Positive mental attitude always helps and it sounds like your Gran has got loads of that, that and your support.

    take care x