Good Reason For Carrying On

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Well, after a long day our new baby Granddaughter decided to make her earlier than expected appearance into the world. Freya Lily was born yesterday evening weighing 7lbs 7ozs, both Mum and Baby are doing well.

Looks like I am going to be kept quite busy again, but I have a grin like the Cheshire Cat !

Joycee xx

  • FormerMember

    Hi Grandma Joycee,

    Congratulations. Your to young to be a Granny. But glad to hear both are fit and well. What a beautiful name Freya Lily. Ah well its back to baby sitting duties again. I can just see the size of that smile !!!!!!!!

    Take care and be safe Big Hugs Love Jackie, and

  • FormerMember

    Big Bugs Joycee,

    Fantastic news for you and yours, a whole new focus,she is a lucky child to have a such a young Grandmother to share her life with, do hope she and hers recognise you are special, as others have already said, a very beautiful name, full of mystery and mythology XX

    John XX

  • FormerMember

    Oooh how very exciting Nanny Joycee, best wishes to you and all your family, including new little Freya xxx

    Take care

    Jan x

  • FormerMember

    Hi Joycee

    Congratulations!!!!!!!!!  Fantastic news - a new life with a beautiful name!  I'm smiling at my computer (at work).  Thank you for these glorious news.

    All the very best

    Georgia XXXXXX


  • FormerMember

    My thanks to all for your kindness and congratulations .......... still over the moon and will be seeing my new granddaughter for the first time tomorrow !

    Janice - just be aware that your expected grandson, Noah, may surprise you all by making an earlier than expected appearance too ! Congratulations to all.

    Little My - indeed I do have my childhood rocking horse in the spare bedroom ( although not the same as on my profile picture, the actual rockers are different ) So as soon as Freya is old enough ..........

    Odin - afraid my horse only has four legs, but it's cheaper on horseshoes !

    Annie - I could never stand the Heinz baby foods which I used to buy for my first girl - yuk ! But for my second daughter I used to blend my own food ( electric blender though ! )

    Jackie - yes, the babysitting will increase ( Freya is a new sister for Jessica ) so let's hope they will eventually be good company for each other ! Hope that you are enjoying your grandson, Gabriel - he must be growing quickly now.

    My thanks once again, dear friends.

    Love, Joycee xx