Good Reason For Carrying On

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Well, after a long day our new baby Granddaughter decided to make her earlier than expected appearance into the world. Freya Lily was born yesterday evening weighing 7lbs 7ozs, both Mum and Baby are doing well.

Looks like I am going to be kept quite busy again, but I have a grin like the Cheshire Cat !

Joycee xx

  • FormerMember

    Congratulations to everyone - what wonderful news! And what a pretty name, too - she's clearly already a member of our Valhalla family!


  • FormerMember

    Oh Joycee, that is fantastic news!!! That put a big big smile on my face too! That certainly is a good reason and a great distraction too! Wow.... grins

    Wishing little Freya Lily and happy and lovefilled life (and with you as a granny, I guess that's a cert)

    Coool name! Freya... welcome to the Norse god family little Freya (and I had a great aunt Lily who lived to 101 and she was cooool too).

    So happy for you Joycee! 

    Big hug to you and give her a kiss from me

    Little My xxx

    ps I was going to say this and then thought it sounded offensive so deleted it  but I think you know its from me so its not meant to be... so I'm going to say it anyway.... I did think How nice, cos you will have someone to share your dinners with in a few months... cook for 2... so I hope you take that in the way it is meant cos it sounded sweet to me that you and Little Freya could eat together. xxx

  • FormerMember

    Thank you Hilary and Little My ! Yes, indeed a good reason to get on with life, I am sure Freya will bring us much joy ( does that make her a goddess then ? ) I'm sure that Odin will approve anyway !

    Oh, Little My - I will certainly be having more company before too long ( no offence taken whatsoever ) because some of the stuff I eat is fit for babies anyway ! Will pass the kiss on.

    Love, Joycee xx

  • FormerMember

    Congratulations Joycee and what a cool name! miles better than some of the stars pick,

    lol @ some of the stuff I eat is fit for babies anyway ! x Kev

  • FormerMember

    Joycee, may I add my congratulations too? What a wonderful gift! And little Freya's birth-weight is very respectable given that she was a little early - my daughter was 10 days late & weighed in at 7lbs 6ozs.

    I used to finish off all her uneaten baby-food, it was delicious. I remember the old Mouli-Baby well, I didn't have a blender in those days (many years ago!). Enjoy!!!

    Love & hugs,

    Annie  xxx