Friends Reunited ............. ? !

2 minute read time.

Friends Reunited ............... ? I don't know if it's just me but since this new site launch nothing has been the same, I have experienced difficulties with making replies to blogs and so forth - however, that problem has come to light and is hopefully being addressed ( Internet Explorer 9 ) So whilst I can gain access using my hubby's laptop - different browser - I shall try and make the most of it. 

As so many of you have already pointed out, the lack of a more visual friend's activities list isn't too good - I know that we can trawl through and find out, but that is rather time consuming and I tend to give up after a short while. This lack of info makes you feel out on a limb or suspended somewhere in cyberspace ........... like, hello is anyone there ? But again, hopefully this will be remedied soon. 

My other moan is the reply posts whereby you can't see exactly what you are replying to ........ with the old system the previous post was clearly visible and there was no need to commit it to memory or jot down notes before typing. Now I think that some of you have been using such things like cut / paste or something or other ......... afraid that I am totally useless at that sort of stuff and wouldn't know where to start ( apart from taking computer lessons ! ) The old system was so much easier. 

I also miss the old What's New page as that contained a lot of current info that actually stayed there for a while - eg. discussions / forums; blogs; status updates and recent group activities, etc. The new one covers these but pass down the list so quickly that such a lot can be missed ............ maybe it's just me but it does feel more impersonal now. 

Even our profile page is very short and sweet - to the point of terse - there isn't as much info there for others to see as in the old site ( no wall to leave a quick comment on ) and where have the personal photos gone to ? I was hoping to get something uploaded onto mine - with help, that is ! - but it looks like that facility has disappeared. 

Looks like we'll just have to get used to this, so gripes over for now so take care, my friends ! 

Joycee xx 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Joycee

    I too find it frustrating that I can't easily see what my friends have been doing - my whole reason for visiting the site (admittedly I visit less frequently now) is to catch up with the many folks who have supported me in the past. I'm now wondering whether the time has come to bow out ...  But then that would be giving in to technology! Val

  • FormerMember

    Hi Joycee

    Like Val I'm tempted to 'bow out' as she put it.  But on the other hand, I'll miss so many people!  I'll probably get my wrist slapped for saying it but: this technology was designed probably by men without a clue (or empathy) of how a busy woman juggling work, husband, home under the influence of cancer drugs will cope!  There, I said it! 

    Apologies for nagging

    All the very best


  • FormerMember

    Well said, Ladies .......... no need for apologies, Georgia ! 

    Joyce xx 

  • FormerMember

    Hi Joycee. You have hit the nail on the head!

    Big hugs my friend.  Alison. x

  • FormerMember

    Thanks Alison ! I do think that one of my points have been proven ( either that or no one is interested ! ) in the fact that I doubt many people have seen this with the speed everything disappears from the new Homepage ........... ? Will continue to live in hope ! 

    Joycee xx