Journey through Head & Neck Cancer Treatment

  • Major Blow!!


    OK, had tonsil (primary tumour site" and a "safe margin" removed about 10 days ago, since that time have been in constant pain except when I swallow; then it really bloody hurts!!

    Before I had it done, teh Surgeon said he was "confident" that he could get it all out and that would just leaeve the secondaries in the nexk lymph nodes to be dealt with by chemoRT - great I am all for that - keeping the saliva…

  • Feeling Better!


    Now 2 days after the op, managed to eat something non liquid this morning and the pain killers are working fine. Many, many thanks for the kind comments and concern which really help; one thought - this was only the preliminary op, getting through the chemoRT will be on a different scale, as most of you "veterans" already know so will be relying on your experience a lot!!!




  • Surgical Robot Tonsil Removal - Pain!!!!!!!!!!


    Had surgery yesterday at 9:30am to remove the primary tumour from my right tonsil, remove 8 molars and to check all the "silent" sites where tumours might be lurking undetected. From "lights out" to wake up was a little under 4 hours which was a bit of surprise, as was the level of pain in my throat!!! But a couple of pain shots soon helped and I was taken up on the ward.

    The pain started rampling…

  • Now it begins! Highs and Lows to Date.


    Hi all, 2 days away from primary tumour removal and a host of other indignities (including removal of 8 teeth in preparation for chemoRT), I thought it a good opportunity to review the highs and lows to date.

    Highs have got to include the fact that I am only T1N1 or N2A so probably have around a 60% chance of beating this, also that pain (to date) is managed to zero with a couple of diclofenac per day, Consultants and…