The start of it all 2001 until now 2023 My Journey

4 minute read time.

My Father was diagnosed with Prostate Cancer roughly 2000 he had the warning signs but done nothing about it as he wanted to do a extra year at work to clear his debts by the time he made the decision to see the GP it was to late it had spread outside of his prostate and so a course of chemotherapy started. I slowly watched him deteriorate until he was moved to a hospice where he chose my birthday to pass away.

After this I swore that I would never leave any health issues. Act quick get it checked was my new motto.

So it came to 2019 I had reached the age of sixty and so can start to get PSA tests done at my GP Surgery. Results 4.57 abnormal second one two months later 3.77 this was classed as normal in 2019 now anything above 3 is abnormal.

Covid arrived GP Surgeries pulled up their drawbridges no more testing.  March 2022 GP surgeries reopened I was first there test results 4.34 the second one a few months later 5.47 so referred to urology.

Sept 2022 Urology appointment they done all the tests and decided I needed a Biopsy this was done October advised around 5-6 weeks for my results.

Nov 2022 The big reveal yes I had prostate cancer ( let’s be honest would not be writing this if did not ) however all my scores meant I could go on active surveillance or so I thought. My Wife queried a shadow on one side of my prostate the Consultant tried to put it down to scarring she pushed and the Consultant said he would discuss with the pathologist and come back to us. Phone call after phone call chasing for the answer through November and December . Promises of sure you will not need another biopsy and they are happy with the results they have given me.

Jan 2023 I get a call it’s being decided I will require another biopsy anyone who has had one knows how painful these sometimes can be and four months later I needed another one it was agreed a General anaesthetic. Thank god I did they went a lot deeper, waited for the results scores were the same how ever my Cancer was now proven to be multi focused and I now needed treatment.

Decision time sat down looked through the pamphlets looked up on line found out everything I could. The hospital I was under only done surgery another hospital nearby done Brachytherapy this was the route I wanted. 

Appointment made 19th April 2023 to speak to the Consultant about Brachytherapy this went well and in forced my view that this was the correct route for me.

Appointment 20th April to speak to the other consultant over Prostate removal actually I only wanted this appointment as it was with my original hospital who misdiagnosed me and to understand some of their reasoning over why I needed treatment, at the same time I took the opportunity to discuss if I had Brachytherapy and it did not work for what ever reason would it still be possible for surgery that opened up a can of worms bottomed it in the end Yes I could have surgery but it would need to be at a specialised hospital as they could not do it there.

So sometimes  it is worth pushing to get a true answer rather than the answer they want to give you so for the future I do have a plan B.

Phone Appointment 10th May Brachytherapy consultant nothing exciting other than she had failed to forward my signed form to the Brachytherapy team. Not impressed as lost almost a month pushed hard wrote to PALS etc seemed to speed things up and so we came to I am sure the bit that you are reading this for .

BRACHYTHERAPY Treatment  first off the Staff and yes I am going to name the hospital Maidstone Hospital they were Just out of this world talked me through everything treated me with respect and we had a few laughters and jokes through the pre op where I was given Tamsulosin tablets 30 days supply then GP to prescribe the rest this is to relax my bladder. one in the afternoon the day  before the op so it was empty then I would be on these for about 3 months. Two weeks later I had the procedure sent home with a Catheter which I had to come back to have removed the next day again can not prays the staff professional but at the same time approachable and kind what more could you want in such a frightening time.

So here I am 2nd August 7days later I am well the Catheter did cause a infection and am on a course of antibiotics Control of my Bladder seems good not gone to far away from home as  drinking a lot water to keep sure I can pass it cut out coffee ,tea due to caffeine and even my red wine due to the tannins in it as the Tamsulosin does mean you need to go a lot. Otherwise feel like me no tiredness yet, just sad not being able to see my Grandchildren for two Months all in all best choice of a very tough decision for me.

But you have to choose what is best for you this is just my journey so far.
