mothers day

1 minute read time.

Mothers Day - this is my second mothers day without mum and somehow this year seems harder than last. tho  i don't know why perhaps its because last year everything was an issue so mothers day was just another thing to be got though.

On the whole life is getting a little better i still miss mum and still constantly want to pick up the phone and tell her what is going on  - especially with the kids but in general it is much better than last year if i could just get this stupid day over with - i know its just a day but everywere you look it seems to be staring you in the face. A friend in work yesterday was talong about flowers  for mothers day anf said "o you don't have a mother" she immediately apolises and i know she didnt mean it but it was like a thump in the gut and I can't seem to shift the feeling even though i know she meant no harm just didnt think.

over the years i have been rushing/ stressing over what to buy mum, worring about dinner selfishly wanting some of the day to myself - now i would love for her to be coming up for dinner and love the thought of going to buy her something she would love.  life is so busy sometimes we always seem to be rushing from here to there  why o why do we learn what is most important - family and friends - when it is too late. we sometimes don't appreiate what we have until it is too late

My heart goes out to everyone having to deal with this terribe disease and a special pray for all those facing a mothers day with out MUM

Our finger prints don't fade from the lives we touch.

Take care



  • FormerMember

    ((HUGS)) Joan xx

    I just wanted to send a hug your way, facing my first mother's day without Mum, all week been dreading it.....some say it's just another day but it was always very special for us and too wish my Mum was still here for me to spoil, she deserved it!! I carry her with me every day in my heart, as I am sure you do also.

    With love, wishing you strength for tomorrow, Sharonxx

  • FormerMember

    hi joan i lost mum dec 2009 and like you i'm finding this year harder.

    i just think of the good times and boy did we have loads. i'm now fighting the same disease and hopefully doing it with the same fighting spirit as mum did.

    take care and big hugs

    tracey xxxx