Belfast Bash

2 minute read time.

Hi Everyone

It has been some time since I wrote on this page, but I just had to write and thank all our wonderful Mac friends for making the Belfast Bash so memorable for me and Liz G.  It was an absoloute pleasure to welcome you all to Northern Ireland and we fel honoured that yoiu made toe effort to come.  When we jokingly suggested last year that we would host the next get together, never in  our eildest dreams did we every think it would actually come together, for a start there was the distance, and obviously the expense , there were a few hurdles which would have stood in the way of lots of people coming.

For those of you who couldn't make it  we  raised a glass to you , we knew everyone had their own personal reasons for not being able to make it and we respected that.

The day was full of fun and laughter and it was great to see everyone make new friends, some that we have chatted to for threee years, others brand new friends, personally I was on a high all day and felt like a  silly teenager, but do you know what no one cared!!! I was able to relax and be myself and truly believed I was among friends.  We have share so much over the past few years laughter and tears.

This site and the people on it have supported me and my sister Liz  and for that I am very grateful to you all.

There was enough food to feed an army and most of our guests left with a nice dooggy bag,  we thoroughly enjoyed all the preparations  as we knew how much it meant to everyone to get together, and this seems now to be an annual event with some poor sucker being coaxed into the next party. 

We took a little time out for a minute to remember why we all had got together and to toast absent friends, and of course this was an emotional moment, as we have lost friends on this site that we will never forget.

Just want to say a big thank you to everyone who made it  happen, and for those of you who coundn.t make the journey across the water Julie Clarke and Shelly Greenwood have been brave enough to take on the challenge next year, well done Ladies, I can/t wait for 19 May 2012.


Jo Mac


  • FormerMember

    I second that Joan, SARS.... Really sorry, I didn't realise you didnt know about it I thought I had covered everywhere, nana a know you would've come if you could've, see you all in the lakes xxxxxx

  • FormerMember

    It truly was a wonderful day and no effort to come at all.

    Jackie I wish I had known you wanted to come we talk quite regularly you and I and I could have given you the details.

    Joan it was very easy to volunteer for next year I have always wanted to do it and all will be welcome to my house!

    You got my mac name wrong Joan you made me younger than I am LOL it is jujuc53. As I said before anyone and everyone is welcome I will post nearer to the day. Anyone can PM me on here.

    I only hope my home will accommadate everyone but I will make damn sure it do's.

    Love Julie xx