Jim B

  • Bad result


    Hi all,

    Seen consultant this morning -  cancer back - not what I wanted to hear but  suspected as much. I'll find out on Friday what plan B is so just have to wait and see.Thanks to all for good wishes.


  • The waiting game


    Hi all,

    Got through the colonoscopy ok with a little help from a general anaesthetic.Consultant wants to see me next week regarding outcome. Problem is he finishes up Friday for holidays and his next surgery isn't for another 4 weeks. Ominous if he calls me in before he stops.Fingers,toes and everything else I can are crossed till I get results. Will be hard till then but I'll think positive till told different.…

  • colonoscopy


    Thanks all for your good wishes. Angela it was the lower rectal region  I dont know if same but quite sure it would've been same surgery. I'm sure they will take biopsy for lab so don't know when i'll know outcome. I'll keep you posted.

    Stay good


  • Moviprep


    Hi everyone, first time on any forum.Another 4 hours and its time for the dreaded Moviprep, had it twice before so know what to expect .In tomorrow for colonoscopy to find out what lump is on the join of my resection surgery so fingers crossed. Keep your heads up. Jim