Can't win all the time

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Hi everybody. I've not been on for a while.Finished Radio and got pet scan. Was waiting to see consultant and my stomache exploded.(perritinitus or something) That was about 3 weeks ago and I've been in hospital since. Been told nothing else they can do(now terminal) and trying to get things organised about getting home for a while.I have an ilioscamy bag on my small intestine and a drainage bag on large intestine.i thought can't get worse until today when a hole has appeared on my wound.and they can't get it to stop so they have fitted a wound management control bag. Looks like a stoma bag with a valve. My biggest worry is the stuff can backflow over my wound.Sorry if ranting but my head doesn't know where it is. I suppose one positive is I've made an honest woman of my partner.We got married in intensive care(it was a bit surreal)

